Reflection Paper Topics with Grading Rubric You will write a 1000-1500 word response to your chosen paper topic from the list below. See Course Outline for the due date. This assignment is worth 300

Reflection Paper Topics with Grading Rubric You will write a 1000-1500 word response to your chosen paper topic from the list below. See Course Outline for the due date.  This assignment is worth 300 points, or 30% of your grade.  DO NOT USE ANY SOURCES OTHER THAN THE DALRYMPLE ARTICLE AND YOUR TEXTBOOK, WHICH YOU WILL CITE USING … Read more

Read Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, (New Advent) Summa TheologiaeLinks to an external site. I, qq. 1-2, 21, 75; I-II, qq. 18, 85, 94; II-II, q. 4; III, q. 60 Construct five syllogisms that you fi

Read Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, (New Advent) Summa TheologiaeLinks to an external site. I, qq. 1-2, 21, 75; I-II, qq. 18, 85, 94; II-II, q. 4; III, q. 60 Construct five syllogisms that you find in Aquinas’ reasoning in the chapters assigned. Adhere to the outline below: The first syllogism should concern the nature of … Read more

Directions: Upload your First “Card” assignment, as explained here (and also in the Orientation module).What are Cards? Cards are things you write. They could be done on notecards, a sheet of paper, o

Directions: Upload your First “Card” assignment, as explained here (and also in the Orientation module).What are Cards? Cards are things you write. They could be done on notecards, a sheet of paper, or via a document for online submissions.  In a card, you make ONE (1) philosophical move in reaction to the assigned reading. So, … Read more

Construct five syllogisms that you find in Aquinas’ reasoning in the chapters assigned. Adhere to the outline below: The first syllogism should concern that in which ultimate felicity consists for int

Construct five syllogisms that you find in Aquinas’ reasoning in the chapters assigned. Adhere to the outline below: The first syllogism should concern that in which ultimate felicity consists for intellectual creatures. The second and third syllogisms should concern the relationship between the divine substance and the human intellect and/or will. The fourth and fifth … Read more

Pose three questions about Aquinas’ treatments of ultimate felicity, the relationship between the natural and supernatural orders (vis-a-vis the “natural desire to see God”), and the instrumental caus

Pose three questions about Aquinas’ treatments of ultimate felicity, the relationship between the natural and supernatural orders (vis-a-vis the “natural desire to see God”), and the instrumental causation of free creatures in divine providence that may have been unclear to you, questions not so specific as to ask, for instance, the meaning of an individual word or … Read more

In the same document, respond to the following two essay question separately. Question 1: Explain Anselm’s argumentation for the existence of the Christian God, whether or not you think his arguments

In the same document, respond to the following two essay question separately. Question 1: Explain Anselm’s argumentation for the existence of the Christian God, whether or not you think his arguments are logically valid, and why or why not. Be sure to engage the pro and con argumentation present in the Monologion and Proslogion. Question … Read more

Present and evaluate Augustine’s central arguments from scripture and tradition for the classical Christian doctrine of the Triune God as one being/substance in three hypostatic subsistent mutual rela

Present and evaluate Augustine’s central arguments from scripture and tradition for the classical Christian doctrine of the Triune God as one being/substance in three hypostatic subsistent mutual relations. Keep in mind the historical context of the time in terms of what prior Ecumenical Councils clarified in relation to various heretical ideas that had been proposed.  … Read more

brain structure & functions

1). How might you feel with two separate brain hemispheres, both of which controlled your thoughts and actions but one of which dominated your consciousness and speech? How might that affect your sense of self, as one indivisible person? Provide a personal example of a way of thinking/action that is hemisphere-dominant (something that you think/do … Read more

Moral Theories

This paper must be no less than 1,000 words and should demonstrate a thorough awareness of the topic as well as the ability to engage in philosophical reasoning. Late papers will be penalized at -5% for the first day late and an additional -1% for each day following. Outside research is not necessary, and in … Read more

unit 6 assignment

Choose one of the following financial institutions involved in the subprime lending fiasco and write a paper including a summary of the institutions involvement and the repercussions to that particular institution, a review of the governmental efforts to rescue the downward-spiraling global financial markets, and the resulting impact on corporate and accounting governance, including references … Read more