Ethics and Religion

Ethics and ReligionThere is no religion without ethics, and for many people, there is no ethics without religion. Please do some general research on religious principles. Religious principles are the basics upon which a religion is founded. The Christian Ten Commandments’ “Thou shalt not kill” is a religious principle, as is the Five Pillars of … Read more


Touchstone 1: Philosophical Reflection EssayASSIGNMENT: Write a 3-4 page (approximately 700-1000 words) reflection essay about the impact of the philosophical mindset and Ancient Greek philosophy on your own views. In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back … Read more

Ethical discussion

Answer 1 of the 2 questions. I prefer #2 1. Keeping the information from this week’s reading in mind, suppose you had to make the following decision: You are forced to choose between saving the life of your 5 year-old beloved miniature poodle that you have had since he was a puppy, or an adult … Read more

UNIT V Essay

For this assignment, please answer the following questions in a short paper that is no less than two pages in length and isdouble spaced. Please be sure that any references or citations used are in APA format.For this paper, I want you to be the immigrant. I want you to answer two basic questions. First, … Read more

Unit III Essay

Unit III EssayFor this assignment, please answer the following questions in a short paper that is no less than two pages in length and isdouble spaced. Please be sure that any references or citations used are in APA format.In Love Your Enemy: Sex, Power, and Christian Ethics, Karen Labacqz calls attention to the fact that … Read more

What brands you?

Unit II EssayFor this assignment, please answer the following questions in a short reflection paper that is no less than two pages inlength and is double spaced. Please be sure that any references or citations used are in APA format.What brands you? What do you say about yourself with what you buy, especially in terms … Read more

Should Sex Education Be Taught In schools?

Introduction (approximately 150 words)Introduce readers to your topic.Include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper.First Argument (approximately 200 words)Present the best argument on one side of the issue.Put your argument in standard form, with the premises listed one by one above the conclusion.You may put the premises into your own words, … Read more


Academics: Watch the video above and discuss in 200 words or more including an example of a real life deductive or inductive argument you may have faced.  Be sure to include the answer to the following question in your response. “Have you ever used a deductive or inductive argument to make a personal decision, … Read more

Ethical theory

Now that we have learned about the three main branches of ethical theory (consequentialism, non-consequentialism, and virtue ethics), which approach would you want a President of the United States to excel at in his or her own life and work? Why do you think it is more important for a President to live in accordance … Read more

Deductive & Inductive Arguements

Watch the video above and discuss in 200 words or more by a main post including an example of a real life deductive or inductive argument you may have faced.  .  Be sure to include the answer to the following question in your response, **”Have you ever used a deductive or inductive argument to make … Read more