
1. TITLE:  Your paper should have a title page including the title of the paper, your name, the name of the course, the date, the school Your title must include the names of the three religions you are using for the purpose of comparing a theme in three religions.  The three religions should include at … Read more

case studies forum

You are going to discuss one of the case studies in connection with a theorist (Aristotle, Kant, Mill, Rawls, or Nozick). Before embarking on this exercise, review the relevant discussions and previous case studies you’ve written. Explain how the theorist you chose would evaluate one of the following cases we analyzed: Welfare, Healthcare, Capital Punishment, … Read more

capital punishment case analysis

If you have not done so, be sure to read the Case Analysis Structure Overview. In this case analysis you have five tasks: Explain your understanding of the case. Give a thorough, philosophical exegesis of the relevant aspects of Kant, the ACLU and Van den Haags argumentsPresent an argument applying the relevant philosophers to the … Read more

Ethics in Urban Studies

Ethics in Urban Studies Option #1 is based on the Ethics Office at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Describe the history of the office with an emphasis on the ethical features of the structure of the office. You will need to research this office and find at least five scholarly sources that support an argument … Read more

or this journal assignment, briefly answer each of the following prompts:

InstructionsFor this journal assignment, briefly answer each of the following prompts: Inference: The differing meanings of “valid inference” and “warranted inference” are closely related to the differing purposes of deductive and inductive arguments the purpose of deductive being to prove; the purpose of inductive to make the conclusion most probable.Look up the words “valid” and … Read more

Writing Assignment 10

This semester we have covered topics on God, free will, ethics, and personal identity. For your last writing assignment, I want you to pick an idea, theory, or argument we covered this semester that challenged a view you held coming into the class. Explain the view you held and the idea that challenged it. I’m … Read more

the innocence of Socrates

In no less than 300 words, write down an informal debate between yourself and one of your classmates on the topic the innocence of Socrates with reference to Platos Apology ONLYNo introduction will be needed. You should start off with a strong claim that shows your position on the debate.E.g.Sara: How can you accuse Socrates … Read more

the innocence of Socrates

In no less than 300 words, write down an informal debate between yourself and one of your classmates on the topic the innocence of Socrates with reference to Platos Apology ONLYNo introduction will be needed. You should start off with a strong claim that shows your position on the debate.E.g.Sara: How can you accuse Socrates … Read more

Philosophy Paper

Topics for your Essay, Choose A or B Essay Length tips–To answer these topics completely, it takes about 2 pages8-10 paragraphs. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete, thoughtful answer is more important than word count. Topic A In … Read more