Philosophical reply

Answer 1 of the 2 questions 1. John Harris argues that when we let very sick people die when they could have been saved from a transplant from a healthy person, indeed a healthy person whose organs could have saved *many* very sick persons, we are unfairly discriminating against the sick. His points are that: … Read more


Paper Topics Choose one of the following topics. Do not write on more than one. The first two (and only the first two) topics are based on the following scenario: A being claiming to be God contacts you and informs you that you have won the ultimate lottery. Having won the ultimate lottery, you must … Read more

Lauren Berlant ‘Cruel Optimism’ Essay

Hey, below is the original title – Precarious bodies… are not merely demonstrating a shift in the social contract but in ordinary affective states. (Berlant 2011: 197).Critically analyse the argument that Berlant provides for this claim within her work Cruel Optimism. In your response, define cruel optimism and examine whether Hardts account of a Spinozist … Read more

Writing Assignment #1

William Paley argues that the world displays order and is like a finely tuned machine (pp. 452-453). Is Paley right that world displays order and is like a machine? Explain why or why not. Your thesis should be the first sentence, and it should answer the question. Then you should spend the rest of the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the video below and discuss in 300 words or more.  Question if you found this to be full of inaccuracies and how you determined if this report was or was not credible?  Be sure to include the answer to the following question in your response. Question: Has this changed the way you view … Read more

Problem-Solving Essay

You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach. Read the article, a 45 page paper in which you:Define the problem in the scenario that you chose in the Week 7 assignment, Problem-Solving: Part 1.Analyze the problem in the scenario.Generate options for solving … Read more

Philosophy of religion

The essay is on a specific book – “Why Religion Matters”, by Huston Smith. It should be a combination between, on one hand – a summary of the main ideas and the arguments that support them, and on the other hand – a philosophical analysis of said arguments, their value and faults.I would appreciate it … Read more


DIRECTIONS: Write a complete, thoughtful, and thorough reply to the discussion forum question. THIS WILL INCLUDE the use of evidence for your position from your own experience AND from outside sources. I need to see a credible outside source like the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Local/State/Federal Government website, cited somewhere to give … Read more

Moral Psychology

I need you to read the article I have attached and answer these following questions:Accurately describe at least one or two reasons why the author holds the position that they do in the article andPresent at least one criticism of one of the author’s reasons.


watch two videos. In order to articulate the differences in context, you should note similarities and differences between the two. 1) What is the main difference in context? 2) What is the main similarity in context?