Philosophy – Topic Questions listed below

Questions (350words per question minimum): 1. What  is necessity in  the  philosophical  sense  and  why  is  it important  to  our understanding  of  concepts  like  knowledge,  truth, morality,  and  so  on?  How  is necessity related to the method of conceptual analysis? 2. What is  underdetermination  and  how  does  Descartes  use  this  in  his  argument against nave … Read more

Ethics Euthanasia

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview. Based on “Case Study: End of Life Decisions,” the … Read more


Come up with a way you wronged someone and made up for it according to the views of either Aristotle, Locke, or Boxill (say which one), but NOT according to either Radzik, Bovensor Hieronymi(say which one), and so the victim refuses to forgive you. Say why. What action can you take that overcomes this remaining … Read more

Industrial Revolution

Why is the Industrial Revolution in England significant for this class?  Why is it significant for all of World Economic History? List two examples and discuss. Read: Richard III (if you have amazon)or


Moral Inconsistencies After doing a self-examination of your moral thinking, write below a brief comment (150-175 words) about the inconsistencies found in your moral reasoning. For example, you cannot be both a relativist and a proponent of universal moral laws; you cannot be a determinist and also believe in moral responsibility. You don’t have to … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a class discussion about Baby Theresa’s case. A baby girl born anencephalic and her parents’ decision to have her killed and her organs harvested to be used to save other sick babies. After reading the passage about her case below, and based on what you have learned in this course so far, post … Read more


What is most real? Chocolate chip cookies? Images of chocolate chip cookies? The Cookie Monster eating cookies? People eating cookies? A Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What is really real?What is the difference between appearance and reality? What is the basic stuff of the universe? Is there only one kind of thing or two kinds or … Read more


Craig: For section one of your essay, give three reasons why Craig argues that we are all philosophers. Be sure to explain how and why Craig arrives at this conclusion for each of these three points. For section two of your essay, provide and explain two or three points regarding what you think about Craigs … Read more


In 1000 – 1500 words, take up an argument supporting or opposing one of Nietzsche’s claims.  This paper should include: A title page in APA style. No abstract required.An introduction with some kind of attention getting device and thesis statement.A clear thesis where you:establish your position andpreview your main points in support of that position.A … Read more


Warm-Up Activity 7.1: Review APA Code of Ethics This week, take time to review Standard 8: Research and Publication of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct With the 2010 Amendments, located under your weekly resources. Warm-Up Activity 7.2: IRBs and Human Participants Read the information located under your weekly resources about Institutional Review … Read more