
This week, review Standard 5: Advertising and Other Public Statements, Standard 6: Record Keeping and Fees, Standard 9: Assessment, and Standard 10: Therapy of the APA Code of Ethics, located under your weekly resources. Warm-Up Activity 6.2: Ethic Codes and Recommendations While the APA Code of Ethics will be the standard that most psychologists follow, … Read more


In 1000 – 1500 words, take up an argument supporting or opposing one of Nietzsche’s claims.  This paper should include: A title page in APA style. No abstract required.An introduction with some kind of attention getting device and thesis statement.A clear thesis where you:establish your position andpreview your main points in support of that position.A … Read more

Climate Change

How has your perspective on the topic changed since the beginning of the course? How? If not, why do you think it stayed the same?What is the most interesting/surprising thing that you learned about your topic since the beginning of the course?If you could propose any solution to your social problem, what would that solution … Read more

Philosophy: Ethics

Explore and discuss the topic of natural law. In addressing this issue, explain the moral theories of Augustine and Aquinas. Next, with reference to Letter From a Birmingham Jail, explain the ways that Martin Luther King, Jr. uses this theory to argue in support of equal rights for African Americans. Write a five to six … Read more


A central objective of the Buddhist tradition is to abandon desire. Why do Buddhistsbelieve this is a valuable goal to pursue? Xunzi, by contrast, thinks that abandoningdesire is unnecessary. On what grounds does he believe this? Explain at least oneargument that followers of Buddhism could use to criticize Xunzis position, and at leastone argument Xunzi … Read more

ethical dilemmas in pediatric nursing care

Ethics Final Paper–Evaluation Rubric    Possible ScoreIntroduction:  Summary of what is known about the ethical issueWell summarized (20)  Adequately summarized (15), Superficially summarized (10)  Poorly summarized (5)     20Ethical Dimensions of the Issue Identified and Discussed (why is this an ethical issue)Ethical Dimensions Clearly Identified (5), Superficially identified (2), Not identified (0)     10Relevance of the … Read more

Philosophy discussion 8

Part 1. Choose one of the two questions and post your philosophical response. A. Is honor killing, as traditionally practiced in the Middle East for many centuries, wrong no matter which society it is practiced in? If so, then moral relativism is false. Is it universally wrong? B. A. Is bride burning, as traditionally practiced … Read more

Medical Ethics

In The House of God, with time, Roy began to dehumanize his patients (following in the footsteps of Pinkus and some others).  In fact, some physicians believe it is necessary to remain emotionally unattached to their patients for professional impartiality, self-care, and other reasons.  Others argue that patients have to be viewed as unique, individual, … Read more

Medical Ethics

2.    In The House of God, with time, Roy began to dehumanize his patients (following in the footsteps of Pinkus and some others).  In fact, some physicians believe it is necessary to remain emotionally unattached to their patients for professional impartiality, self-care, and other reasons.  Others argue that patients have to be viewed as unique, … Read more

Medical Ethics

What is public health, and how is it different from other kinds of medical practices?  What are some examples of public health policies?  In the era of COVID-19, what are some of the moral issues raised by governmental involvement in collective and individual health?  In other words, ought the government, in the form of the … Read more