
If an apology has regret or remorse as its sincerity condition, what is the sincerity condition of the explicit performative I forgive you? What must you feel (or think you feel) to say I forgive yousincerely, and how does it differ from simply not feeling anything at all about the wrongdoing (e.g. anger, bitterness) at … Read more

Ethics in a Digital Age

Building on the research you conducted for the annotated bibliography, discussing the ethical issues related to your selected technology that are occurring now or willlikely occur in the future. Make sure to include relevant findings from the scholarly sources you used in Part 2 and any other sources you wish to use. You must use … Read more


In 1000 – 1500 words, take up an argument supporting or opposing one of Kierkegaard’s claims.  This paper should include: A title page in APA style. No abstract required. An introduction with some kind of attention getting device and thesis statement. A clear thesis where you: establish your position and preview your main points in … Read more

Using DaoDeJing to Guide the mordern life

This is an outline I suppose to write about, you can modify it if you want. Besides, try to relate the paper with the text I upload or the DaoDeJing. Don’t copy from an online source, because this paper will be checked by Using Wu- words to guide the young generation in modern life. … Read more

Climate Change

Argue a position on a significant issue pertaining to your chosen topic for your research manuscript. Your claim should be clearly stated with adequate support. Consider other perspectives when making your position and clearly show why you believe your position is more logical, sensible, useful, or appealing than the oppositions viewpoint. On a page separate … Read more


Please read instructions carefully: Write one essay choosing one of the following topics (5 paragraphs, minimum and no maximum).  As before your essay should (a) answer the questions of the prompt (b) in essay form (c) using absolutely no outside sources whatsoever (d) use your own words rather than quotesdo not paraphrase (e) have a … Read more


Please read instructions carefully: Write one essay choosing one of the following topics (5 paragraphs, minimum and no maximum).  As before your essay should (a) answer the questions of the prompt (b) in essay form (c) using absolutely no outside sources whatsoever (d) use your own words rather than quotesdo not paraphrase (e) have a … Read more

Computer Ethincs

The essay response should be no less than 750 words, but you may go over without any penalty. Standard formatting applies: be sure to organize your response in paragraph form (not just one long single paragraph answer). Also, you must include any references or works cited at the end of your response. Always be sure … Read more


Write in first person.4 full pages.Must have clear intro, body, and conclusion.Include works cited page, but keep citations to a minimum. I have included an attachment of the paper guidelines, please read. The topic will be utilitarianism and the two philosophers you MUST write about are Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. State the issue … Read more

What is a good human life? (Ethics paper 1)

What is a good human life? Now that we have explored some of the most influential theories of a good human life from the Ancient Era, it is your time to reflect. For this Paper, you should reflect upon material from Modules 01-08. In a minimum 450-word, well-constructed and well-edited essay, discuss your vision of … Read more