Any topic (writer’s choice)

Fully explain how an act utilitarian might in some case agree with facial discrimination and in other case disagree . Be clear and provide example to illustrate your answer. You can reference the article for example or make up your own . Finally, fully explain and provide good reason to whether or not you agree … Read more

Beer and 3 Philosophers

PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BY ONLY USING THREE ARTICLES PROVIDED. DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES. ALSO DO NOT PLAGIERISE (250 WORDS MIN) QUESTION. Descartes, Hume and Kant walk into a bar and order beer. The barman asks each of them to identify the beer that he wants to drink. They do it by … Read more

Socrates and Glaucon governments

This is the prompt. The ideal (aka best) polis constructed by Socrates and Glaucon is considerably different than our society. How is it different? Why isnt the best polis democratic? Specifically, what problems are supposed to plague democratic societies according to Socrates?

How Sappho Influenced the Vision of Same-sex Love and Female Literature

Collect passages from the text (If not, winter) and from two articles: then discuss: Why is this significant to this author? How and where does it fit in the context of the work in which it appears? Why do you care about it? Why should others care about it? Search for secondary sources such … Read more

Philosophy discussion

Post your philosophical thoughts on the reading for the week, on the philosophy of Karl Marx. Thank you for reflecting on these important ethical ideas. I need three separate replys for (3 students same class) Please do not use sources other than the file attached.


Mill explains that the fundamental idea of utilitarianism consists in promoting happiness, which he describes as pleasure and, at the same time, as the absence of pain. What do you think about this way of thinking about morality? Can you imagine situations in which such an attempt to promote happiness would be harmful, and situations … Read more

Philosophy of love and sex

Elliston (Frederick Elliston, “In Defense of Promiscuity”) spells out five arguments condemning promiscuity and gives what he no doubt views as decisive counter-arguments: The Western Norm and Technology;The Inseparability Premise and Promiscuity;Promiscuity as a Threat to Monogamy;Lying, Deceiving, and Exploiting; and,Personal Emotional Security and Growth Which of these arguments do you think is the best … Read more