How Sappho Influenced the Vision of Same-sex Love and Female Literature

Collect passages from the text (If not, winter) and from two articles: then discuss: Why is this significant to this author? How and where does it fit in the context of the work in which it appears? Why do you care about it? Why should others care about it? Search for secondary sources such … Read more

Philosophy discussion

Post your philosophical thoughts on the reading for the week, on the philosophy of Karl Marx. Thank you for reflecting on these important ethical ideas. I need three separate replys for (3 students same class) Please do not use sources other than the file attached.


Mill explains that the fundamental idea of utilitarianism consists in promoting happiness, which he describes as pleasure and, at the same time, as the absence of pain. What do you think about this way of thinking about morality? Can you imagine situations in which such an attempt to promote happiness would be harmful, and situations … Read more

Philosophy of love and sex

Elliston (Frederick Elliston, “In Defense of Promiscuity”) spells out five arguments condemning promiscuity and gives what he no doubt views as decisive counter-arguments: The Western Norm and Technology;The Inseparability Premise and Promiscuity;Promiscuity as a Threat to Monogamy;Lying, Deceiving, and Exploiting; and,Personal Emotional Security and Growth Which of these arguments do you think is the best … Read more


Descartes tells us that, in order to see what is real, we must first doubt all we know with our senses. Our senses can deceive us. Are we dreaming? Are we being manipulated by an evil genius? Are we living in The Matrix where we are waiting for Keanu Reaves to rescue us? (I suppose … Read more

Ethics globalpoverty

n your final essay for this course, please address each of the following questions:Why does global poverty exist? Identify three main reasons and cite sources. Give three examples of things that could be done to reduce global poverty. Cite sources. Give at least one example of how global poverty connects to another societal issue. For … Read more

Locke, Hume, Leibniz, Descartes, etc.

SECTION I:  Answer ONE of the following in 2 pages or so (typed, double-spaced).  Remember that clarity and precision of expression counts for a great deal in Philosophy.  And use your own wordsEXPLAIN the answers to me; dont quote the authors for more than a sentence.  I KNOW what THEY say 1. Suppose Locke and … Read more

Ethics Essay Questions

Write a short essay about each question and use the lectures: Question 1:In a famous passage Kant states that: “the will stands as it were at a crossroads.” What is the moral significance of the ‘will’ for Kant? What kind of a ‘crossroads’ does he see the will facing? Why does Kant see a ‘good … Read more