patient confidentiality

Here’s a question: why is patient autonomy so important? It might seem “obvious,” but you might want to make that explicit (something about rights to possession of self) as the source of confidentiality (maintaining the right to self). Here’s my other big question as the opposing point of view: where is it? Does any respected … Read more

In the Company of the Poor

Write an essay based off the book In the Company of the Poor. It is a creative essay so the thesis can be whatever you like (within the course themes) but it has to be arguable. (see outline prompt for structure of the essay. Grammar is important!) PHI Outline Prompt attachment has more information.

Fifty Shades of Gray

In relation to the film, please answer these following questions: How are race, sex and empire understood by the different characters in the film?  How do you think they are understood by the filmmaker? How does brownness, blackness, whiteness operate in the film (even if they are unnamed)? How about Americanness, democracy, empire? Through whose … Read more

Describing a shaping experience

Think of an experience that has shaped your life. Write an essay describing the experience and the ways it changed your life and how you perceive the world.After writing, analyze your experience by answering the following questions separately with number on it. NO REFERENCE. 1. What were your initial perceptions of the situation? As you … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Imagine what it would be like to live in a world in which we were protected from human evil in this way. Would such a world be worse in any way? If not, does this show that the free will defense fails on its own terms?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

It is strongly encouraged that this paper is a revision of Paper 1 or Paper 2. The goal of this paper is to put forth an convicing argument. This is not just a research paper or an opinion paper. The goal is to sucessfully put forth a convincing argument. There should be an element of … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Provide a piece of media (can be a commercial, excerpt from a speech or debate, political cartoon, etc.) that contains a logical fallacy. What is the conclusion being made (explicit or implicit), or that conclusions are the audience being persuaded to make? What is the fallacy being used? Discuss what you believe to be the … Read more


NYU Professor Thomas Nagel (1974) asked a rather unusual question. Read his article “What Is it Like to Be a Bat?” After reading Professor Nagel’s article, tell me: Do animals think?SLP Assignment ExpectationsPlease write a paper answering this rather general question. Use Nagel’s article,to help make out your answer. Do not refer to personal experience, … Read more

Peter Singer

must be about the philosopher Peter Singer. It must include an introduction of the philosopher such as the background and education. Must explain his contributions to the field of philosophy and how he as been influential. Must present the philosopher’s main ideas and arguments. Must have an analysis of if you agree or disagree with … Read more

Re search paper

Writing Assignment (Research) All writing must be typed and due on the date listed on the syllabus.  Please make sure that the toner cartridge is dark and black, and that the paper is a standard white/off-white colour and office-quality texture/weight, 8 x 11 only, unlined, single-sided, in whatever text format your prefer (saved as a … Read more