Re search paper

Writing Assignment (Research) All writing must be typed and due on the date listed on the syllabus.  Please make sure that the toner cartridge is dark and black, and that the paper is a standard white/off-white colour and office-quality texture/weight, 8 x 11 only, unlined, single-sided, in whatever text format your prefer (saved as a … Read more

Modern Political Theory

In Chapter Two of On Liberty, John Stuart Mill makes an argument about the importance of “liberty of thought and discussion” for the progress of society. One argument that he makes is that, even if the established opinion of a society on a particular subject is true, it is still useful to have broad expression … Read more


The task you have to undertake in this paper is to i) provide the objection in the form of argument (you already have it above) and ii) explain Singer’s responses to the objection (locate two premises Singer attacks and explain how he attacks them). Lastly, iii) show your opinion about Singer’s responses. If you agree … Read more


The task you have to undertake in this paper is to i) provide the objection in the form of argument (you already have it above) and ii) explain Singer’s responses to the objection (locate two premises Singer attacks and explain how he attacks them). Lastly, iii) show your opinion about Singer’s responses. If you agree … Read more


Here are the instructions for the paper: Choose any topic that we have covered so far in our course including causality except theism and free will. Your assignment is to write a very strong argument.  You want to convince a skeptic that your own view is well supported and not easily refuted. I suggest the … Read more

Reflection paper

Please write a 3 to 4 page(interestingly title, 12-point professional-looking font, double-spaced, defensibly-documented, with one-inch margins) paper in which you discuss in some detail what is at stake in the tension between the views of faith presented in The Grand Inquisitor volume and the formal arguments (Ontological, Cosmological, Teleological) for the existence of god and … Read more


Select ANY topic in Psychology that you would like to investigate further.  You should cover a topic beyond what has been covered in class.  You will be writing a 3 to 5 page paper on the topic of your selection, meeting the requirements below: Topic must relate to PsychologyIf the topic is not on the … Read more

Just War Theory

I need an essay addressing the question below:Explain clearly what you take  to be  the  strongest argument  against  targeted  killing.    Is this argument sound,  or  may states  legitimately use  targeted killing  in  their  fight  against terrorism?  Defend your answer carefully and in detail.I have also uploaded a sample of how the paper should look … Read more

Human Beings as Imitations

what is the origin of human imitation? Why do humans have the ability to imitate? Which part of the human brain is responsible for imitation? How do these brain modules coordinate their efforts? What other functions do these areas also perform? Do we see corresponding changes between such functions when one of them is impaired … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

It can be argued that both virtue ethics and care ethics approach ethics from very different perspectives from each other, while also looking at morality in a very different manner from the dominant contemporary moral theories (Kantian ethics and utilitarianism).  On the other hand, Alan Thomas argues that virtue ethics and care ethics are actually … Read more