Bertrand Russell The Value Of philosophy

You must use course material for references. Do not cite outside references. Use another philosopher covered in class (Socrates, or Plato) either as an example to develop Russell’s point or using Russell as your starting point, use the view of another philosopher covered in class to argue the value of philosophy as you see it. … Read more

critical thinking

Explain how many influences (such as the internet, television, books, family, andteachers) can, in some cases, be an active influence on our thought, and, in othercases, would be considered a passive influence on our thought. And that was to identify influences on your thought that can be both ACTIVE and PAASIVE, but in different settings … Read more

social credit system

please try and use all the sources below. The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is currently implementing what is called a Social Credit System (SCS) that assigns each citizen a score based upon data collected concerning their social behavior namely, how individuals behave in public. This data includes such things as, for example, whether a … Read more

The debate over the morality of abortion

The debate over the morality of abortion has been waged between the proponents of a woman’s right to choose and those people who are against all abortion procedures.  Each side can give reasons to justify or support their particular viewpoint.      Now imagine the Kantian is engaged in this debate.  Based on what was … Read more


instructions in attachment label week 13 homework. *** Please label the with the question and answer to follow for each number. link needed for questions:


This assignment is based on two readings. The debate over the morality of abortion has been waged between the proponents of a woman’s right to choose and those people who are against all abortion procedures.  Each side can give reasons to justify or support their particular viewpoint.        Now imagine the Kantian is … Read more

Cost Benefit

Read : then use one of his points of critique to evaluate a contemporary non-market thing.  Is it a good idea to use a cost-benefit analysis on it or should Kelmans warning be heeded?

Phl course debate

The task: to debate which approach to justice is most persuasive or appealing (I won’t use the word “right” since I think this will inevitably remain open -ended). virtue theory (Aristotle, Sandel), freedom based theory I (libertarianism), freedom based theory II (Kant, Rawls), or utilitarianism (cost-benefit analysis, Bentham, Mill).


Philosophy teaches us to act, not to speak; it exacts of every man that he should live according to his own standards, that his life should not be out of harmony with his words, and that, further, his inner life should be of one hue and not out of harmony with all his activities. This, … Read more

Should Religious Beliefs Be A Matter of Faith?

TOPIC: A popular idea suggests that religious beliefs, unlike scientific beliefs, should be merely a matter of faith. However, in this class in this class weve seen several different approaches to religion, evidence, and reasons. In this paper, tell me what you think. Do you think that religious beliefs require evidence, or should they be … Read more