Modern Politcal Theory

1. Choose either Locke or Rousseau and discuss their view of human nature, the state of nature, the social contract, and the purpose and structure of civil government. If you choose Locke, refer to the book Second Treatise by John Locke, chapters 1-19 If you choose Rosseau, refer to the book Social Contract by Jean … Read more


Hi! I am Catherine And I am in need of someone to write my TOK essay (max: 1600 words)Life is not the best right now, so I do not have the energy nor time to actually work on this essay. It is worth 67% of my class grade, and it is what makes me eligible … Read more

Export Control and Permits

Read the attached Science and Nature articles on the cases of J. Reece Roth and Thomas Butler. Then, look online to find out what happened to each of them. Prepare 2-3 paragraphs answering the following questions: 1. What were each of these people accused of doing wrong? 2. Were they found guilty of anything and, … Read more


8. Why do we dream? 9. Where does your self-worth come from? 10. How will humans as a species go extinct? 11. Is it possible to live a normal life and not ever tell a lie? 12. Does a persons name influence the person they become? 13. Is the meaning of life the same for … Read more

Case study

Thomas is tired of hearing his grandparents talk about how things were when they were his age. He listens about how they were expected to work to contribute to the family and were happy to do so, how they were happy to have enough to eat and didn’t expect to eat out regularly, etc. Thomas … Read more


Early theories of developmental psychology often treated women as though they were somehow less than men. Consistent with changes in culture as a whole, today s theories recognize differences between men and women, but do not assume one sex is superior or more complete than the other. Which of the following would historians of psychology … Read more

Philosophy Paper

Your final exam should take the form of one essay, between 2400 and 2600 words long, that is double-spaced, in 12 pt font, with one inch margins.  There needs to be a separate title page with your name and word count on it.  Your name should not appear anywhere else in your essay (so, please … Read more

Philosophy (World View on eating choices)

identify your own environmental worldview (as expressed in your eating choices), comparing your behavior with your expressed values. You will then evaluate the health of your actual relationship with nature, and propose specific spiritual practices (around food or otherwise) that might help you develop a more healthy relationship with nature. In your paper, Identify which … Read more

Assisted Suicide

I need this paper to go along with the outline I attached.  Also, here is the instructions from my class. You will write a paper on your choice of one of the ethical issues listed by your instructor (see below).  Discuss your perspective on the issue, supporting your arguments with the ethical thinking of one … Read more

Phl Unit 9 essay

After reading ch. 7 in Sandels Justice and watching Episode 9, part 1 (first half), answer ONE of the following questions in your short essay 1. Do you have any criticisms of American racial concepts (white, black, Latino/a, etc.) as categories? Explain. 2. Is affirmative action just? Why? If so, when? Bring in Sandel’s arguments … Read more