Ethics and Morals

Discuss the distinction between ethical egoism, the moral minimum, the moral maximum and supererogation as it relates to the following scenario: You are strolling in the park on a beautiful day and spot a child drowning in a lake. You cannot swim. What should/ could you do? Discuss in light of the debate on neighbor … Read more


Pick your favorite politician or other public figure. One that you genuinely like, or would vote for, or whose concerts you go to, etc. Now, find an occasion where your favorite politician or public figure used rhetoric to the detriment of logic to make their point. This may take a little bit of research, and … Read more


we have now posted the assignment. Additionally, we have prepared a special Spotlight Lecture that provides a detailed explanation of paper expectations, as well as some general guidance about how to write an effective paper. We strongly encourage everyone to watch the lecture for clarification regarding the assignment! instructions for paper and topics in attachment


Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the following three sentences express moral truths:     You ought be pious.     You ought not kill other human beings.     You ought save lives. Those rules can conflict; when they do, which takes priority, and why?

respons to questions

Let’s start with finding premises and conclusions.  For the next few arguments, state what the premise is and what the conclusion is by underlining or highlighting. Be sure to provide a legend for what is the premise and what is the conclusion. Remember, you could have more than one premise and it may not be … Read more


Thread: After studying the Reading & Study materials, compose a 500-600 word argument that is objective, carefully-constructed, and free of emotion (and hence it should not contain any exclamation points) in support of your opinion about ethical relativism and Christian ethics. Formulate your argument by answering BOTH of the following questions: Is Christian ethics relativistic … Read more

Phl Unit 6

Read ch. 5 on Kant and watch Sandels Episode 6 (both halves), on Kants Groundwork. (Optional: watch Sandels Episode 7, Part One (first half of episode 7); it’s on lying, but we can skip this part of Kant). In your short essay, answer the following. Also, respond to a peer post. Explain how Kants moral … Read more

The Ontological Argument for Gods Existence

Explain, reconstruct, and evaluate The Ontological Argument for Gods Existence. Your paper should minimally discuss (a) the distinction between a prior and a posteriori propositions;(b) the distinction between existence and essence; and the criticism discussed in the class. Finally, you need to assess the theory by arguing either that the criticism of the theory is … Read more

reflective assessment of your learning

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 13LessonIntroductionIn this session, you have been considering moral-ethical dilemmas you yourself faced or that you know of that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have … Read more