Write a Backgrounder Paper for the Case Study provided in the attached files. The backgrounder paper is supposed to provide some solid, well-researched (and annotated!) sources as a foundation for yo

Write a Backgrounder Paper for the Case Study provided in the attached files.  The backgrounder paper is supposed to provide some solid, well-researched (and annotated!) sources as a foundation for your discussion about the case. It is NOT supposed to offer opinions, direction, resolutions, conclusions, or otherwise attempt to sway the group in a particular … Read more

Write a Backgrounder Paper for a case (provided in the attached file) relating to issues in Social Ethics. What is a backgrounder paper? A good group case study is supported by appropriate evidence,

Write a Backgrounder Paper for a case (provided in the attached file) relating to issues in Social Ethics.  What is a backgrounder paper? A good group case study is supported by appropriate evidence, based upon research into the context of the ethical problem that is presented. While everyone in the group will be responsible for … Read more

Review the following ethical dilemmas: John Doe has decided to clone himself. He is sterile. He cannot find anyone to marry him. He wishes to have children. He knows that he will not be able to love a

Review the following ethical dilemmas: John Doe has decided to clone himself. He is sterile. He cannot find anyone to marry him. He wishes to have children. He knows that he will not be able to love a child that is adopted or not connected directly to him biologically. He will be making use of … Read more

Paper revision Link to paper https://www.mediafire.com/file/qb1m5nck2a60i3p/Future+like+ours.docx/file feedback from professor: I looked at your paper. I have some thoughts on how to improve clarity

Paper revision  Link to paper https://www.mediafire.com/file/qb1m5nck2a60i3p/Future+like+ours.docx/file feedback from professor:  I looked at your paper. I have some thoughts on how to improve clarity, precision, and argument.  1. Let’s be even more clear and precise about what Marquis means by a “future like ours”. He means that humans have certain activities, goals, plans, etc that are … Read more

For this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confronted with a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be the same as what was covered

For this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confronted with a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be the same as what was covered in the week one discussion. Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. A moral dilemma is … Read more

Write an essay about Built-in Obsolescence. Ensure you provide details in paragraphs. . Provide references appropriately. Also avoid plagiarism. Any plagiarised work will be rejected. Use the followi

Write an essay about Built-in Obsolescence. Ensure you provide details in paragraphs. . Provide references appropriately.  Also avoid plagiarism. Any plagiarised work will be rejected. Use the following references; References Butterfield, J. (2016). Illustrated course guides: Problem solving and decision making – Soft skills for a digital workplace. Cengage Learning. MacKenzie, I. (2020). English for business studies student’s … Read more

Write the paper Paper instructions: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mjktdflt7ca3dpa/Phil+224+Paper+#2+Requirements.docx/file Reading to use https://www.mediafire.com/file/tw3h1hy6p6359tn/Don+marquis+a

Write the paper  Paper instructions: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mjktdflt7ca3dpa/Phil+224+Paper+#2+Requirements.docx/file Reading to use https://www.mediafire.com/file/tw3h1hy6p6359tn/Don+marquis+abortion.docx/file don’t use any other sources and don’t use big technical word. professor feedback:  1. Intro/thesis2. Overview of Marquis-focus on what it means to have a future like ours 3. Objection: when does a future like ours start? 4. Your view: let’s think through the answer … Read more

Students will engage in a 2-page writing exercise involving the creation of a dialogue and an analysis of key components of arguments. Your assignment for this unit involves analyzing a conversation a

Students will engage in a 2-page writing exercise involving the creation of a dialogue and an analysis of key components of arguments. Your assignment for this unit involves analyzing a conversation and breaking down the elements of conclusion, premises, assumptions, and extraneous material. Using the Unit III Assignment Template, write a dialogue (short conversation) between two … Read more

I attached the instructions. Respond in roughly two to four pages to one of the two prompts below. Remember to draw from the texts we are reading with proper citation (author and page number). Use the

I attached the instructions. Respond in roughly two to four pages to one of the two prompts below. Remember to draw from the texts we are reading with proper citation (author and page number).Use the old assignment I attached also. please let me know if you need more info.

Paper requirements: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ighozf84vlcxibj/Phil+224+Paper+#2+Requirements.docx/file reading for the paper: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0864fogvnrz9vbs/Don+marquis+abortion.g

Paper requirements: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ighozf84vlcxibj/Phil+224+Paper+#2+Requirements.docx/file reading for the paper: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0864fogvnrz9vbs/Don+marquis+abortion.gdoc/file professor feedback: Marquis’ main argument is that a fetus has a “future  like ours”. Killing a grown human being is wrong because it takes away their future. aborting fetuses, he thinks, is wrong for the same reasons as killing an adult human being–it takes away their future. … Read more