1. To me Habakkuk 3:17-19 is one of the greatest passages in the Bible about faith. Basically, Habakkuk says that God does not have to reward him or pay him for having faith in Him. If things go great

1. To me Habakkuk 3:17-19 is one of the greatest passages in the Bible about faith. Basically, Habakkuk says that God does not have to reward him or pay him for having faith in Him. If things go great, that’s good. If things go terribly, that’s okay too – unpleasant but okay. Habakkuk will have … Read more

1. Truth Tables (10 points) Use Truth Tables to determine whether the following arguments are valid. Show your work (make an argument schema, make a truth table, fill it in, and then explain why it is

1. Truth Tables (10 points) Use Truth Tables to determine whether the following arguments are valid. Show your work (make an argument schema, make a truth table, fill it in, and then explain why it is or isn’t valid). a) 1. The canvas is red and the paint is blue 2. Either the paint is … Read more

Evaluate the ethical situation of Mrs. Bergmeier. Paper should be two pages long. In your two-page paper, you will answer whether or not you agree with the decision and why. In your answer, you will n

Evaluate the ethical situation of Mrs. Bergmeier. Paper should be two pages long. In your two-page paper, you will answer whether or not you agree with the decision and why. In your answer, you will need to identify the Ethical Theory used by the individuals and what theory you would use to address this dilemma. 

write an essay about the death penalty or abortion or marijuana (ethical topic), and define it as well. Use any ONE of the following in your essay: utilitarianism, divine command theory, consequentia

write an essay about the death penalty or abortion or marijuana (ethical topic), and define it as well.  Use any ONE of the following in your essay: utilitarianism, divine command theory, consequentialism, natural law, or Kantianism based on your chosen topic . The paper should be in Word 12pt, dbl spaced, 4 pages long and … Read more

Under what circumstances, if any, is it acceptable for a woman to undergo an abortion? Defend your answer, and be sure to discuss any arguments from class or the readings that are relevant to the circ

Under what circumstances, if any, is it acceptable for a woman to undergo an abortion? Defend your answer, and be sure to discuss any arguments from class or the readings that are relevant to the circumstances you decide to discuss.Warning: The internet contains mountains of completely false information on abortion. In particular, beware of any claims … Read more

Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through

Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument.  Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles: The Frivolity of Evil(https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-frivolity-of-evil) Then, FOR THE ARTICLE … Read more

During the Christmas season, Isaiah 7:14 is often used as a prophecy of Jesus’ birth. However, Isaiah 7:15-17 suggests that the sign Isaiah gave was a warning that would come true in his time and serv

During the Christmas season, Isaiah 7:14 is often used as a prophecy of Jesus’ birth. However, Isaiah 7:15-17 suggests that the sign Isaiah gave was a warning that would come true in his time and serve as a sign for King Ahaz to serve God and not be afraid. If Isaiah was only speaking about … Read more

Prophets in ancient Israel and Judah often demonstrated their prophecies or used ordinary objects to illustrate how God perceived situations and how He would react. They likely did this to capture the

Prophets in ancient Israel and Judah often demonstrated their prophecies or used ordinary objects to illustrate how God perceived situations and how He would react. They likely did this to capture the people’s attention, hoping that they would listen and amend their behavior. However, it appears that this approach was largely unsuccessful. Do you believe … Read more

List the seven notes of genuine doctrinal development in contrast to doctrinal corruption with a brief but apt description or definition for each. Then, choose a topic covered either in Gaudium et Spe

List the seven notes of genuine doctrinal development in contrast to doctrinal corruption with a brief but apt description or definition for each. Then, choose a topic covered either in Gaudium et Spes (e.g., just war) or in Sacrosanctum Concilium (e.g., liturgical reform), and discuss how the texts conform to Newman’s work on doctrinal development. … Read more