Physical geography

  Research and share a geography-related current event found in the popular media (print newspapers like the Washington Post, magazines, and/or online websites such as National Geographic or Science Daily).  News stories with geography-related content can include anything related to weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, record snowfalls or temperature, etc), natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, … Read more


   If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be, and why? This is not a research essay, but your personal preference of a place based upon the assignments – readings, videos, and discussions this semester. Draw upon all you have learned about the physical geography of your world to select the … Read more


  Research and share a geography-related current event found in the popular media (print newspapers like the Washington Post, magazines, and/or online websites such as National Geographic or Science Daily).  News stories with geography-related content can include anything related to weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, record snowfalls or temperature, etc), natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, … Read more


  Research and share a geography-related current event found in the popular media (print newspapers like the Washington Post, magazines, and/or online websites such as National Geographic or Science Daily).  News stories with geography-related content can include anything related to weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, record snowfalls or temperature, etc), natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, … Read more

gph 111 lab

THE LAB IS ATTACHED  This is your chance to combine observations made doing this lab with your own experience (including outside readings and your own travels). Keep in mind that the grading of this essay is based on the evidence and reasoning that you present. Answers that do not refer to specific evidence from this … Read more