Title paper

Timeline Paper, Part 1 In this paper, you will identify and explain significant historical events that aided the development of human services as a profession, and describe how current trends address the needs of special populations and settings that are of unique concern for human service professionals. This first part of the paper is due … Read more


hello, It is due 05/21/21 at 11:PMThe file contains instruction to do the lab, as well as a link to the simulator where the lab can be executed. Theres also a chart and a few questions that need to be filled and answered.

Questions regarding OPA and TPA techniques

The attached pdf file is the paper im reading, there are several points in this paper that i havent understood Question 1: In the “Introduction” section (second paragraph), they claim that strong linear absorption in the OPA technique makes this only usable for 2D scanning and the absence of linear absorption in TPA technique and … Read more