Physical Science

 1 Discuss: the properties of light (including the concept of reflection, refraction, and dispersion)  2 Discussed the nature of light wave like behavior and particle like behavior   3 Discussed the general theory of relativity (including special relativity one and two)  4 Explain the electronic charges associated with the parts of the atom   5 Explain Daltons … Read more


Write two paragraph about semiconductors section 42.6 from university physics with modern physics(15th edition) in which you  summarize your understanding of your chosen topic, in your own words.  make a personal connection to the topic by relating it to your major which is computer science.

Interactive Activity Wave on a String

   Objective Using a simulation, apply the scientific method to investigate the various properties of transverse waves. Background Reading Before attempting the activity, review the topic The Nature of Waves in Chapter 6 of The Sciences. Completing the reading is important for you to be able to correctly apply the properties of waves to the … Read more

discussion & essay

Associated Objectives Apply topics and concepts in the physical sciences to a given real-world scenario Critically reflect on your ability to apply and connect topics and concepts in the physical sciences Renewable Energy In this exercise, you will connect and apply course topics and concepts to a real-world scenario. Then, you will critically reflect and … Read more


What advantages and disadvantages are there to going to 100% renewable energy? Assume Miami were to also go 100% renewable energy and you were in charge of the transition. Give a specific plan on how you would phase in the renewable energy and phase out the non-renewable energy and in what time frame. Write a … Read more

physics discussion post

*Video link is below and if you want to do the reply to the student, let me know and we can work something out* Use the link above to watch the video.  It starts with about a six minute video clip from the European Space Agency (ESA) explaining the concept of Newton’s first law (The … Read more

Diverse Populations and Age

Topic 1: Diverse Populations and Age. As a Masters prepared nurse, you are responsible for knowing basic health screenings for various populations, Read the required readings and refer to the course resources. Choose the young, middle or older adult population. Address the preventive health screenings for one of these subsections of the adult population based … Read more

Wannabe A Rock Star- Assessment

Please describe with as much detail as you can how an instrument makes sound.  Pick at least two examples to describe. Please describe with as much detail as you can how different tones are made with these instruments. Describe the relationship between frequency and vibration in your instrument. What happens to the wavelength when the … Read more

1 page due by 24 hours!

  You can use any of these websites or any other materials: You are to compare and contrast a DC and an AC motor. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! Make a table with 2 columns: one for DC and one for AC and explain each of the following: 1; What are their parts and what are their functions … Read more

Physics assignment

Assignment Instructions Begin by reading the current module objectives listed in the course schedule (see the syllabus). Identify the difference between a principle and a law, a model and a theory. Identify and differentiate between the fundamental units of length (L), mass (M), and time (T). Convert SI measured values between various magnitudes using the … Read more