
Post to this discussion board in response to this question: A Fiat and a Porsche drive down the freeway. At the instant you measure, the Porsche is traveling at 65 mph and the Fiat is traveling at 50 mph. True or False: The acceleration of the Porsche must be greater than the acceleration of the … Read more


Guide midterm exam  Sentimentalism, Hume: It is not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my finger. Subjective and objective emotions Moral sense theory Neo-sentimentalism Intuitionism Egoism: Psychological Egosim  two types ethical egoism: Universal and Individual  Cultural relativism / Social relativism. Joseph Butler critique of egoism Kants … Read more


Guide midterm exam  Sentimentalism, Hume: It is not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my finger. Subjective and objective emotions Moral sense theory Neo-sentimentalism Intuitionism Egoism: Psychological Egosim  two types ethical egoism: Universal and Individual  Cultural relativism / Social relativism. Joseph Butler critique of egoism Kants … Read more

Physiscs – Principles of Physics – Experiment Report

I need help with writing 2 pages long Experiment Report, and I am looking forward to work with this person every week for upcoming 2 months (8 assignments in total) Take a look at the pictures below and let me know if you can do this job. After going thru pictures, message me “I love … Read more


  This lab will be done in class with help from the instructor.  Each student will complete his or her own document usually using data that is different from other students.  Save the document frequently during the lab and just before uploading it when it is ready for grading. Open the simulation If the simulation … Read more


  Is the crown pure gold? Background Archimedes was born in 287 BC in a Greek city of Syracuse in what is now Sicily.  He was a mathematician and scientist.  The king of the city, named Hiero II, provided a quantity of pure gold for the fashioning of a laurel wreath made of gold.  It … Read more


  A known frequency transverse sound wave is projected down a closed column and reaches the column’s end. The sound wave is reflected along the column opposite in direction to that of the incident wave. The two waves combine so that there is no propagation of energy along the wave. The wave displacements are constant … Read more

Fitness Analysis #2

Two assignments: 1. Fitness Analysis #2:  Topic: Relationship between physical activity and stress reduction Find an article that related to the topic and write an analysis  2. Use the article to make a Powerpoint for the presentation Rubric is attached 

Physics RC Circuit Lab Report

Hello, I need someone to do the RC lab and lab report. I already made a lab report format which has a few sections that need to be done. I will also attach the actual lab that the teacher gave so that can be followed. I am sure online resources are available to help for … Read more