
Consider at least 2 of the following issues: legalization of drugs, educational standards, welfare, environmental regulation and enforcement, same sex marriage, and abortion. What level of government should regulate these issues? Are decisions on these issues better placed in the hands of the states or of the federal government? Why? Provide evidence of additional research … Read more

International law

1- What were the territorial disputes between China and Philippines, which brought up to the            International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea? 2- How has the case rendered by the Tribunal? 3-  What was the Chinas reaction to the Tribunal decision?  4- Assess the role of IL in light of the territorial disputes between … Read more

US Government Executive Institutions

Purpose: The primary goal of this weekly summative assignment is to examine one of the most critical governmental institutions that embodies the U.S. government, the Executive Branch. Prepare: Review Chapters 5, 6, and 7 in the course text. Reflect: The role of human nature in the construction of political institutions plays an important dynamic in … Read more

SYD 3804-Question Development (QD) Assignment Handout I.

SYD 3804-Question Development (QD) Assignment Handout I. QD ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS:A number of materials (text, films, lectures, etc.) are used in this course to survey a Sociology of Gender. Each of these materials contributes important perspective to an overall understanding of the field. Each of these materials also is required to complete assignments … Read more

Interactive case study: The policy memo

  To complete this assignment follow the steps: Step 1: Reading and Preparation Read chapters 1- 4 and  chapter 7 of Pennock (2019) Read the policy memo documents posted on this weeks Activities and Resources page. You can find these documents in the Other Resources section of the page. Pick one of the policy memos … Read more

short response

 The Articles of Confederation established a League of Friendship between the states.  Their experience with the British government caused them to view a strong, centralized government as threat to individual liberty. Discuss how focusing on limiting power actually created a system that was weak and ineffective.   short response of 350-500 words

need assistance

choose any of the above elements of religious practice add “AND” then the title of any social movement you feel a close connection to,  go to the NEWS tab and find your search results. Choose one news item and write your reflection based on how the literature engages, intersects, and makes relevant your chosen element … Read more

Court Case on Belilos v. Switzerland

Section I should be titled Case Syllabus andit should describe the facts of the case and the legal issues involved (ex. …Bosnia fileda claim with the International Court of Justice alleging that Serbia attempted toexterminate the Muslim population of Bosnia during the Bosnian War). Section IIshould be titled Court Holding and should explain the ruling … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use files attached to answer these questions. You can also use outside sources. 1. What is the central finding made by Canes-Wrone & Shotts in their article The Conditional Nature of Presidential Responsiveness to Public Opinion (1pt)? What might explain their results (1pt)?2.What is the puzzle that Jeffrey Cohen observes in his article (1pt)? What … Read more