2 Discussions

I need 2 Discussions. I need 250 words Initial Post and two replies on other students for each Discussion that I will attach later. I attached each topic Discussion readings, Pls read the readings and answer them. I need Initial Post asap You must use the readings, no outside sources are allowed

Advancement of technology in the military

(Thesis) With the advancement of technology, the military missions are handled with more accuracy to fight all enemies both foreign and domestic while keeping service members safe. You will discuss recent and current technology changes we as well as the importance of maintaining currency in your field (military). Examine the impact of past, current, and … Read more

International Relation

 Explain how ‘norms’ associated with international law (IL) can be utilized in analyzing/understanding the reality of international political and/or economic relations. You must discuss them based on an example/s.  Double space, cited 2 Sources 

International Relation

 From these two theories of international relations (IL) (1) Marxism and the role of International Law and (2) Positivism and the role of International Law  assess how each of the theories views the relations between International Relation and International Law.  1 Page, cited Single space 2 sources


Make sure to answer each question with as much as information you can provide. Use the sources I attached or if you need more sources you can use outside sources. Do not answer them vaguely. 1. What is going public (1pt)? Under what conditions will presidents tend to go public (1pt)? 2. Per the Hernson, … Read more

political science

Questions should be answered single spaced. 1.How do problems or issues begin to capture the attention of policy makers and politicians? Include a discussion of the scope of conflict and any other additional factors. 2. Explain the quote from E.E. Schattneider, the most powerful instrument for control of conflict is conflict itself. How can one … Read more

interest groups and political parties

Step 1 Search the Internet and choose a current issue that is relevant to parties, campaigns, and elections. Write a 2 to 3-page paper of your insights on the following: How do political parties differ in their thinking about the topic you have selected? Have they changed over time? Explain.How do political parties use aspects … Read more

interest groups and political parties

step 1 Research at least two interest groups. Pick one interest group whose agenda you like and one you disagree with to research. Start by finding the homepage for each interest group on the Internet. Conduct further Web-based research to see what news sources have reported about the two interest groups, what some of their … Read more