HW #2

HW Requirements: – 4 Pages, Double Spaced, and 12pt Font – Works Cited Page – All Citations Must Have Page Numbers Question: 1. Compare Skowronek with Neustadt. Can Skowroneks idea of political time be usefully combined with Neustadt’s arguments, or does it necessarily challenge them? Homework Layout: – Opening Thesis Statement Indicating the Main Argument … Read more

Discussion Topic #6

Discussion 6: Jimmy Carter as a Case Study of Presidential Failure? Jimmy Carter is generally identified as a relatively unsuccessful president  when it comes to domestic policy (in the foreign policy arena he had some significant successes, but also the Iran hostage crisis). How should we understand his struggles? Was he mainly trapped by a … Read more

Discussion Topic #5

Discussion 5: Shaping Domestic Policy — Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan had major successes in terms of accomplishing some of their domestic policy goals during their presidencies (Johnson was less ‘successful’ in his foreign policy, while Reagan had  both major successes and setbacks in that context). How should we understand … Read more

Representation in Congress

  Instructions Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress. Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation. Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress? Why do you see a trend in which more women and … Read more

Representation in Congress

Instructions Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress. Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation. Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress? Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities … Read more

Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughout your army

I intro 1-2 paragraphsA.Opening statement B.Background infoC.Purpose statementII body 2-4 paragraph A.Why does sexual assault occur? Include support evidence B.Does our current training reduce or not the risk of assault C.Supporting topic and evidence to support main pointD. How do we end sexual violence in military III conclusion 1-2 paragraphA. Summarize  main points B. Make … Read more

Open/ Closed Border

For this assignment, assume you are the new Secretary of Homeland Security. You are drafting a Policy Document referred to as a White Paper for the Biden Administration to highlight the impact of open/closed borders in the age of COVID-19 on migration, asylum seekers, and economic recovery. In this white paper, consider the following to … Read more

political science

300 WORDS EACH QUESTION 1- Is the Arab-Israeli conflict a religious one? How did the religious element enter the conflict? How did the Jewish doctrine on war evolve as a result of the conflict? Is the use of nuclear weapons, as some Israeli military commanders suggest, justified for the protection of the Israeli citizens? 2- … Read more


(Reply to the prompt and agree) I think that Texas should deal with the incarceration rate by not being sent to prison or jail with certain crimes. One thing Texas needs to do is either make weed legal or just not make a criminal offense to have it. That would definitely stop the rates from … Read more


(just a respond to this prompt from my classmate simply agreeing with them.) I think that Texas should deal with the incarceration rate by not being sent to prison or jail with certain crimes. One thing Texas needs to do is either make weed legal or just not make a criminal offense to have it. … Read more