Foreign Policy

You are preparing your first Foreign Policy Speech as the newly elected President of the United States. What would you like to say to the American people and the rest of the world? Be sure to address some of the main themes and debates in U.S. Foreign policy discussed in class (e.g., Idealism vs. Realism, … Read more

Army unit training management (UTM) process.

Write a substantial initial response, with at least one (1) cited source from your required readings and a minimum of 300-400 words to the topic below.  Utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, discuss a strategy a Sergeant Major can use to develop subordinate leaders in the UTM process to improve their … Read more


 550 Words  Many crimes involving emails have email accounts created and operating in countries less willing to cooperate with investigators (both local and federal) in the United States.  How would you deal with this type of situation and what steps would you take to obtain the data necessary to inform your investigation?  Remember to provide a legal … Read more


  450 Words In this module, you have examined the concept of “democracy.”  1. This powerful label is often used for political purposes, but it can be difficult to apply for purposes of comparative politics. In comparing systems and regimes, what definitions of democracy are most useful?  2. Which of the theories or kinds of theories … Read more

The Roles of Congress and the Presidency

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Option 1: Political scientists disagree on the exact causes of low representation of women in Congress. Why do you think there are so few women in Congress … Read more

Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

Step 1 Read one set of the following papers. This site will help you get started: Once you are in this site, you will see the Federalist papers listed, 1 through 85. Click the ones that match up to the topics areas below. Be aware that these papers were written in the late 1700s … Read more


For this assignment, you will write a 23-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document. Options include the following topics:    A specific piece of legislation relating … Read more

Toxic Leadership in the United States Marine Corps Solutions

a.    Solution i.    Supporting Point #1: Implement a toxic leadership class (how to address toxic leadership, how to deal with it, how to correct peers) into the LCpl Seminar, Corporals Course, Sergeants Course, Career Course, and Advanced Course; including Officers PME.ii.    Supporting Point #2: Adding on new specific task to the Inspector General Policies and … Read more