Accountability of the Commission

The weekly essay assignments all have the same format: a mini-essay about the literatureassigned for that week. These small assignments must fit the following requirements: – Maximum length: 1x A4, font size 12, normal margins, single spaced. If you clearlyexceed this limit, only the first page will be considered. – All essays must have a … Read more

Does the influence of political agendas weigh too heavily on legislating in the federal, state and local governments of the United States?

Enduring Understanding:Politics and government can create confusion among the masses but the ultimate aim is to create an orderly society. Essential Questions:      How do politics and government work hand in hand?      Is the true focus of American government work on what the masses want and need?      How is the … Read more

Essay-2 pages

Instructions You have assumed the head leadership position over a small department within a public sector agency. You have inherited a small but diverse team of employees.  Your staff consists of the following individuals:  Melanie has been with the organization for close to 10 years and spends much of her day surfing social media sites. … Read more


I need a 7-9 page paper applying theories of conflict and what you have learned about identifying obstacles to conflict and what you have learned about identifying obstacles to conflict resolution and proposing alternative strategies to overcome such barriers to the conflict in Yemen.  You should enhance your argument with logic and statistical support.  At … Read more


I have attached the simulation on the use of force in Chechnya.  I need help answering the following questions: 1.  An introduction that explains the purpose of the simulation and the importance of the topic 2. a discussion of what you knew or suspected going in.  You many discuss relevant reading that address the topic … Read more

Journal, 7 questions-200words response for each question

1)In this unit, the two major themes are creativity and stress. We have discussed how both of these concepts relate to both the individual as well as to the organization while also approaching them from the personal and professional perspectives.  From your studies in this unit and from your personal experiences, discuss some of the … Read more

POSC (Political Science) 123-Conflict Resolution

  Research to examine the issue of gun control in the U.S The research paper assignment for this course (see the syllabus, p. 5) requires a scholarly approach to examining an issue of your choice.  I have chosen to complete research on the topic of Gun Control in the U.S. In completing this research paper … Read more

Case Study- 2 pages

You are the manager of a small department within a local government. You want to develop processes for effective decision-making with your newly assembled leadership team, but you want to ensure that you are not acting in an overly authoritative manner.  Develop your findings and recommendations in which you discuss the items below.  Determine different … Read more

Case Study-2pages

Instructions You have assumed the head leadership position over a small department within a public sector agency. You have inherited a small but diverse team of employees.  Your staff consists of the following individuals:  Melanie has been with the organization for close to 10 years and spends much of her day surfing social media sites. … Read more

Essay- 2pages

In the resource below, Ngo (2016) notes that there are four primary types of team players: contributor, collaborator, communicator, and challenger.  Ngo, S. (2016, February 16).  Showbiz CheatSheet. Within your company, the CEO has just posted an opening for manager within your department. The post provides all of the requirements for the job and … Read more