Week 4 discussion

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (can include your textbook) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Option 1: List the ways in which contemporary … Read more

Journal – 5 questions 200 words a piece

1)  Identify your community (Washington DC), and reflect on a local public issue that needs improvement and/or has been revised or updated (e.g., improved roadways, improved processing at the Department of Motor Vehicles [DMV], new traffic construction, improved public parking, safer public parks, implementation of recreation projects, addition of bike paths). Determine what types of … Read more

Video Critique-2 pages

The transcript for this video can be found by clicking the Transcript tab to the right of the video in the Films on Demand database.  ****The VIDEO LINK IS BELOW***** ****MUST VIEW THIS VIDEO TO WRITE ESSAY*** https://video.wnit.org/video/constitution-usa-peter-sagal-too-much-power/ After watching the video segment, review the 14 principles provided in Title 5 of the Code of … Read more

Political science essay

Fully explain how a constitutional case is decided by the Supreme Court. Include how the Supreme Court accepts a case, how the day of oral arguments progresses, how the justices deliberate and vote, and how the Court reveals and explains who voted for what and the reasons why. Use specific details. Define all key terms. … Read more

Essay- 2 pages

Your textbook references Leonard Whites perspective in the article titled Introduction to the Study of Public Administration. White suggests that successful public administrators are effective at discerning public problems and providing effective and interesting solutions. Using CSUs Online Library, identify a public (government or nonprofit) problem, and provide a narrative that reflects the practice and … Read more

Reflection Paper-2 pages

Your task is to contemplate some of the most common contributors or causes to personal workplace stress and how this stress affects your performance. After you have done this, review some of the stress management methods that have been discussed in this unit (or through your own research) that you have not implemented before and … Read more


  The proposal summary, also referred to as an executive summary, provides an overview of the full proposal and determines whether the funder will continue to read the full proposal. I like to think of the proposal summary as a trailer and preview of a movie. Thinking about a proposal as a preview or trailer … Read more

a. Discuss the theory under which sovereign power was taken from the king and given to the people as articulated in the Declaration of Independence? In Federalist Paper # 10, James Madison discusses the problem of Factions in a Democracy. b. What are fact

a. Discuss the theory under which sovereign power was taken from the king and given to the people as articulated in the Declaration of Independence? In Federalist Paper # 10, James Madison discusses the problem of Factions in a Democracy. b. What are factions and why are they problematic? (Provide examples) c. How is the … Read more

Respond to the following based upon your class readings, viewings and additional research. Be sure to support your response with data, quotations and anecdotes. Please be sure to provide ALL citations in APA format. What is “Divided Government”? What are

Respond to the following based upon your class readings, viewings and additional research. Be sure to support your response with data, quotations and anecdotes. Please be sure to provide ALL citations in APA format. What is “Divided Government”? What are the Pros and Cons of divided government in American Politics? How has the role of … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For up five points on your lowest exam score, you can do the following assignment. In this course, you have studied concepts like factions and ideology, and institutions like Congress and the presidency. For this assignment, reflect on the connections and applications of what you learned in this class with current events in American politics … Read more