Any topic (writer’s choice)

For up five points on your lowest exam score, you can do the following assignment. In this course, you have studied concepts like factions and ideology, and institutions like Congress and the presidency. For this assignment, reflect on the connections and applications of what you learned in this class with current events in American politics … Read more

POS Module 1 Essay

 You must write an essay (500 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics:The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States. Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American … Read more

U.S. political system

Reflect upon the topics we have covered this semester. Based on what you know about institutions (constitution, federalism, legislature, executive, and judiciary) and processes (public opinion, media, interest groups, political parties, campaigns, and elections), assess in what ways the U.S. political system is democratic and in what ways it is less than fully democratic?  Consider … Read more

Final Essay

Address the following questions in a reflection paper.  Be certain to address all of the questions to receive credit. 1. From what you learned this semester about the history, principles and problems of American Government, what did you find most interesting and why? 2. What do you think about the ideas and issues that we … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 2: The U.S. Constitution has 27 Amendments. The first ten amendments, called the Bill of Rights, were added in 1791 to address issues noted by the Anti-federalists. Later amendments were added to address concerns that arose in subsequent years. Please select a) one of the Bill of Rights Amendments AND b) one of Amendments … Read more

American Government has three branches

Question 1: The American Government has three branches.  Many note that the legislative branch (Congress) was given the most powers in the U.S Constitution and was designed to be closest to the people.  In addition, the Executive branch, headed by the President, has increased its power during the last century; many argue beyond what the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Part II.  Commentary on/Response to 2 your classmates presentations:Please complete questions below and submit them on Blackboard. Your response should include answers to the following questions: What did you learn? How do you feel about the ideas/information presented? If you had the chance, what else would you say to, or ask, the presenter? Presenter jihanDate_________________________________Main … Read more

Application of Army design methodology (ADM)

Essay topic: Application of ADM for the CSM/SGM Assignment: Describe the process and concept of developing an operational approach and how you envision facilitating this process as an Operation Sergeant Major. Instructions: Wright a response, with at least 2 cited sources, a minimum of 350 words, to the topic above. Cite references using APA format.