American Politics

Answer five of the following medium-length questions (300 word limit per answer). Each answer is 20 points each. 1) Why did the Articles of Confederation Fail? How did the Constitution help remedy the problems created by the Articles of Confederation? 2) What were the main points of contention between the framers in designing the Constitution … Read more

political Science

Are multinational corporations the tools of states (realism), or are states the tools or multinational corporations (critical view)? Which view better explains the world as we see it today? Defend your position with contemporary or historical facts. Pick between the two prompts Prompt 1:RealismIf you believe that states control multinational corporations, explain why by posting … Read more

Political Science

Is globalization a good thing or bad? Is it making the world richer or poorer? Does globalization promote international understanding and tolerance or does it threaten local cultures? Post a thread in either the Globalization Is Good or Globalization Is Bad folder no later than midnight, May 29, and defend your position with factual, economic … Read more

Political Science

Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment? If you support American membership, explain why in the U.S. In the ICC thread; if you oppose U.S. membership, explain why in the U.S. Out of the … Read more

Political Science

Should the world ban the possession and use of nuclear weapons? Pick one of the prompts below in which you agree with more. Prompt 1:Complete DisarmamentIf you believe that the world should ban the possession and use of nuclear weapons, explain why by posting an essay in this thread. Prompt 2:Arms ControlIf you believe that … Read more

ILLINOIS constitution- Political science

Instructions PLEASE USE THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Go online and look up your state constitution. Choose three state sections such as religious freedom, freedom of the press, etc. and discuss the guidelines for each. Compare these sections to the equivalent section in the United States Bill of Rights. List differences, if any. Writing Requirements (APA … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you must offer a thoughtful and substantive question, reflection, or comment inspired by your engagement with the reading. This post must explicitly identify a passage from the reading below that you found intriguing, confusing, enlightening, etc. to lift up for consideration. You should quote the passage in full in your post along with a clear … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The paper should be at least 550 words in length and can take any of the following formats: 1-An analysis of a single reading; 2-An examination of key ideas/conflicts across multiple readings from the section; 3-An application of the reading to current events in the world; or, 4-An introspective evaluation of how the reading sheds … Read more


Answer these questions devote 800 – 1000 words for each question only use sources provided. 1. What do we mean by “modernity”? Can it coexist with “tradition”? Explain with reference to at least three relevant course readings. 2. First-wave democracies became wealthy through imperialism and industrialization before they became democratic. But, in second and third-wave … Read more

Part I Descriptive Framework Paper: Organizational Communication Analysis

Please watch video   –  The video is an animated presentation that describes the importance of organizational communication during a climate of change. A company must be diligent in keeping their stakeholders informed. In addition, a company must maintain a sterling reputation by having good relationships with their stakeholders. Use the Virtual Organization Portal ( … Read more