Modern ideologies

This semester we read Rosenblum and Muirfield’s book, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE SAYING. The authors introduced a new concept, “conspiracism,” that consists of conspiracy ideas that lack evidence, that are not “theoretical.” The authors isolated their new concept of conspiracism by contrasting it with The Declaration of Independence, an ideology based on evidence but … Read more

Modern ideologies

On Monday, Apr. 19th, The Columbus Dispatch juxtaposed a column by Conservative Columnist George Will (Will promoted a book by Dr. Steven B. Smith from Yale on how to recover patriotism) with a political cartoon by Mike Thompson (known for his liberal and progressive messages) titled The Game of Life or Death. Write a no … Read more

Modern Ideologies

Ive written an extended introduction to this assignment. The introduction is meant to clarify the different standings and shared understandings on modern political ideologies over time, the ways that political scientists have wrestled with this phenomenon, and the current opportunity to search for and isolate means for healthy political polarization that clarifies conflict on values … Read more

POL 115/Week 1

You are living in the United States shortly after the American Revolution and have received a letter from your friend who lives in France. This friend has asked you about the changes in your country and the new government that is being formed. He is particularly interested in your thoughts on the formation of the … Read more

5-7 Pages Essay

For this exam, please select one of the following prompts.  In your essays, be sure to use the assigned readings referenced in the syllabus corresponding to each prompt. A response should be between five to seven pages (excluding cover page and works cited page) Part II Ethnic Political Mobilization, Ethnic Parties,  Ethnic Party Formation, and … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading (Simone Weil, An Anthology FOCUS ON Human Personality & The Needs of the Soul & The Great Beast chapters ) then do the following: Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by your engagement with the material below. — At … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We all hold certain truths to be self-evident, but upon reflection, may come to see how questionable they really are. In this paper, you will draw upon one or more of the texts below to question your own self-evident truths. First, you must identify a principle, assumption, or narrative about the world that underlies your … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

.ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (Short answers 3-5 sentences will suffice. Define what national security means to you. What is meant by the “National Security Enterprise”? What major elements compose security? 2. What do you think are our top 5 national security threats or challenges? Why? 3. What did the National Security Act of 1947 accomplish? Is … Read more

Islam, Secularism, and Democracy

Islam, Secularism, and Democracy Engage in the three primary texts about Islam, Secularism, and Democracy.  After a brief summary of the ideas introduced in the assigned texts, you should provide a discussion of the topic by writing your comments and by incorporating the knowledge you gained from the other readings in the course. I expect … Read more

Human trafficking

Include an abstract at the beginning of your paper. Well written with an introduction and conclusion. Proper citations of sources and list of works cited. Test  a theory on one or more cases. The theory may be your own or might be  one from your literature review.  Test the theory by finding empirical  evidence. Does … Read more