Human Rights Issue

Note 1  important human rights issue (either that your states foreign policy is trying to deal with (e.g. the U.S. policy toward Chinas Uighur policy), or a human rights issue your country has been called out on by the international community (e.g. systematic U.S. police violence against Blacks, or its treatment of migrant children at … Read more

Political Science – Establishing a Local Government

A privately owned island off the coast of Florida has been left to you by the eccentric owner who recently died. The island is large enough for several small communities to be developed. You want to start off on the right foot by establishing a local government, a judicial system, and a law enforcement system. … Read more

Congressional committees

There are 20 standing committees in the House and another 16 in the Senate. Just about all the legislation that reaches a final floor vote in either house is a product of those committees and their numerous subcommittees. Each Thursday, beginning Week 2, your assignment is to prepare a brief profile of a standing committee … Read more

Politics of race relations

For this paper, you are being asked to make and defend a claim about the significance of a key issue, idea, concept, relationship, or phenomenon relevant to the politics of race relations. This claim should be summarised in a thesis at the end of your introduction, and all evidence and analysis in the body of … Read more

U.S Sanctions Imposed on Iran

This is an only an OUTLINE for a 15-20 page research paper. I have attached articles on how to write a case study and articles that should be used as sources for the paper. Topic: U.S Sanctions Imposed on Iran Question: How have the sanctions against Iran, affected their economy and state-society relations? -What are … Read more

short essay 8

In terms of budgeting in the United States, some feel that the US government should be like most states and have a balanced budget amendment written into the Constitution. Others argue that emergencies like natural disasters and pandemics like COVID make that impractical. Which side of this argument do you fall on? Be sure to … Read more

The Capitol Insurrection and the Motivating Factors

need to apply these words throughout the essay:division divisiveness inclusion/exclusion entitlement privilege (earned, unearned) power/powerlessness sexism, racism, homophobia, anti-lgbt, anti-semistims, anti-muslim extremist hate, white supremacy, white nationalism The dangerous other, in-group/out-group needs to be APA format

Political Machines

Discuss the pros and cons of political party machines. Under what circumstances are machines more likely to develop? Do you think machines are a thing of the past in the U.S.? What about in other countries?Essay 5-6 pages long, typed, double-spaced, with 10-12 point font and 1-1.5 margins.


The answer should be at least 3 pages or 950 words. (Times New Roman/Font 12/ Double Space) Does democracy make a material difference in peoples lives? What evidence is there that democracy is associated with better well-being? Does democracy do better than all autocracies? Is it democracy per se, or particular aspects of polities that … Read more

Modify existing Amendment Paper

  For this assignment, you are being asked to either modify an existing amendment. First, you will need to include your modified amendment. The modified amendment should consist of the original amendment, with the change notated.  For example, if I am changing the Second Amendment, my first paragraph would be: A well regulated Militia, being … Read more