research paper that looks at some specific policy area, and compares two countries in how they deal with this area of public policy.

You will need to write a research paper that looks at some specific policy area and compares two countries in how they deal with this area of public policy.  Examples of acceptable topics include comparing abortion policy, health care policy, housing, education, etc. Your research should consist of a minimum of eight academic sources, including … Read more

American Goverment

Making extensive use of the readings, provide an answer for the following question.  Be sure to completely answer the question.There are three mechanisms through which social groups/classes can attempt to influence or shape politics: interest groups, elections, and social movements.  How well do each of these three mechanisms work?  What are their limitations and possible … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading (James Baldwin The Fire Next Time) then do the following: Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by the engagement with the material below. — At least one of the QRCs must explicitly identify a passage( quote a passage and … Read more

Infrastructure Funding

10 page policy  brief on  Biden’s American Jobs Plan.  Papers should include the following:  title page, table of contents, executive summary, problem statement, definition of key terms, stakeholders, policy background,  comparison  to  similar  policies,  your  recommendation including  pros  and  cons with impacts on stakeholders, implementation action plan for  your recommendation, evaluation plan with evaluation criteria … Read more

U.S. Supreme Court Cases

Explore PBS’s Supreme Court Watch website ( (Links to an external site.)). This site has good information both on the Supreme Court and recent cases. Debate with your classmates whether the Supreme Court is the appropriate institution to resolve the issues of healthcare.Should important societal issues be determined by the courts (and thus unelected judges) … Read more


The Civil Rights Movement and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 did not immediately put Blacks into political offices in the South. Thus, develop an essay discussing how Southern states use electoral devices to dilute or negate the impact of Blacks votes and Black empowerment in the South (See Chapter 5 for this discussion).2. Develop … Read more

CPO3010 Finals questions

Answer the following essays questions. Your answer will be graded based on organization, clarity and inclusion of appropriate examples to support your answer. Each essay answer should be at least 3 pages (950 words). (Times New Roman/Font 12/ Double Space- Must be submitted through turn-it-it. Submitting via email is NOT accepted). You must answer both questions.1. What constitutes the most important … Read more

Political Essay

The theme of the article is “compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle’s views on both the best kind of human life, and the best kind of region or political rule. To what can we attribute the differences in their views on these issues?” (hint: make sure you discuss the role of meteorological thinking within each … Read more

Do You Appreciate and Value Diversity

Complete the Learn: Self-Assessment: Do You Appreciate and Value Diversity? exercise located in this weeks Learning Activities folder.  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  As you reflect on the results of your self-assessment, do you believe you value diversity? Provide examples from work, school, or home to support your response. Why … Read more