You are to choose a New York State case preferably considered at the appellate level within the last five years. The case should deal with significant jurisprudential issues of substantive (not proced

You are to choose a New York State case preferably considered at the appellate level within the last five years. The case should deal with significant jurisprudential issues of substantive (not procedural) criminal law (like the cases we read in class). Once you choose your case submit it to me by e-mail. All other students … Read more

As the directions note below this is not an assignment about substantive penal law. Whether the elements of a crime exist is not the focus of this particular assignment. Instead your focus should be o

As the directions note below this is not an assignment about substantive penal law. Whether the elements of a crime exist is not the focus of this particular assignment. Instead your focus should be on how much punishment is appropriate considering the Punishment Case as described below. You will want to print this out to … Read more

For this assignment, please write a 1-2 page (double-spaced) five-paragraph essay on a current event or trend related to international relations. Please be sure to apply at least one theoretical persp

For this assignment, please write a 1-2 page (double-spaced) five-paragraph essay on a current event or trend related to international relations. Please be sure to apply at least one theoretical perspective (Realism, Liberalism, or Constructivism) to it to articulate the level(s) of analysis (individual, state/national, or international systemic) that you are using and to demonstrate … Read more

Each question is to be answered thoroughly. #1 The federalist system that was implemented by the founders is a controversial system. There are those who feel it is good, and they usually argue that s

Each question is to be answered thoroughly.  #1 The federalist system that was implemented by the founders is a controversial system. There are those who feel it is good, and they usually argue that states with smaller populations would essentially be disenfranchised if we had a non-federalist, general democracy. On the other hand, there are … Read more

1) On p. 20, our textbook features a short segment with the heading: American Political Culture is Built on Liberty, Equality, and Justice. Is one of the three concepts describing American Political

1) On p. 20, our textbook features a short segment with the heading: American Political Culture is Built on Liberty, Equality, and Justice.  Is one of the three concepts describing American Political Culture more important than the others? If so, define that concept in your own words and explain why you think it’s more essential … Read more

For this assignment, please write a 1-2 page (double-spaced) five-paragraph essay on one of the wars that we have covered so far (e.g. World War I, World War II, or the Cold War). Please be sure to ap

For this assignment, please write a 1-2 page (double-spaced) five-paragraph essay on one of the wars that we have covered so far (e.g. World War I, World War II, or the Cold War). Please be sure to apply at least one theoretical perspective (such as Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism) to it to articulate the level(s) … Read more

Course Objective: Compare contending theories of international relations related to changes in the world system from the 1910s to the present. Assignment: Please write a one-entry annotated bibliograp

Course Objective: Compare contending theories of international relations related to changes in the world system from the 1910s to the present. Assignment: Please write a one-entry annotated bibliography on the Stephen Walt (1998) article from the week 1 reading. The article is a time-tested classical writing that continues to have relevance in studying International Relations theories. Begin … Read more

In 500-750 words, describe the concept of “overreach” and how it anchors Owen Matthews’ book Overreach: The Inside Story of Putin and Russia’s War Against Ukraine – using your own words. Explain the e

In 500-750 words, describe the concept of “overreach” and how it anchors Owen Matthews’ book Overreach: The Inside Story of Putin and Russia’s War Against Ukraine – using your own words. Explain the effectiveness and limitations of his approach (i.e. what this framing achieves successfully and where it fails), providing clear examples in support of why it works (or doesn’t). … Read more

Imagine that the reporter has called you to help them write a follow-up article to the one you’ve selected. They want you to bring your philosophical expertise on rights to bear on the subject. In par

Imagine that the reporter has called you to help them write a follow-up article to the one you’ve selected. They want you to bring your philosophical expertise on rights to bear on the subject. In particular, they want to know what you make of the issue. Answer the following questions  Why did you select this … Read more

For this assignment, you are to create a PowerPoint that summarizes and highlights the main points and vocabulary in this chapter. This assignment counts as a vocab quiz and a chapter review quiz. Pre

For this assignment, you are to create a PowerPoint that summarizes and highlights the main points and vocabulary in this chapter. This assignment counts as a vocab quiz and a chapter review quiz. Prepare this PowerPoint as if you were teaching a middle school student about the topic. You may use YouTube videos and other … Read more