Las final exam

You will be able to access the exam under assignments. In case anyone missed the final exam questions, here they are:  Required Final Exam Questions (10% each) 1.Discuss U.S. policies in Latin America and the Caribbean since the Monroe Doctrine through the Alliance for Progress. Outline the policy positions and how this has impacted US-Latin … Read more

AP US government

Explain how the McCain-Feingold Act limited the use of *soft money. *Hard Money tightly regulated contributions to candidates. Soft Money unregulated, unlimited contributions to political parties for general party-building activities such as get-out-the vote drives, voter registration efforts, and ads that encourage voters to vote for Democrats or Republicans (mostly).

Senator patty Murray

The first 3 pages must be a autobiography of her life. The next 2 pages need to be about her stance on immigration and health care. Within the last 2 pages you also need to criticiallly analyze her stance and what she doing to support that stance. Must contain a bibliography

BP: Annotated Bibliography Assignment

   The ultimate goal for this term is to use the concepts, ideas, and principles learned through our course materials to prepare a briefing paper that addresses a key issue. The first step toward your Final Briefing Paper was the preparation of a thesis statement and brief outline. The next step in the process is … Read more


In approximately 400 hundred words each, thoroughly answer 3 out of the 8 essay questions 1) What are the roles of the citizen in politics and government?2) The term equality has several dimensions: political, social, and economic. What sort of political equality exists in the United States?3) Describe how different groups have fought for and … Read more


An example is in the files. I will put it in a presentation just want it written as In broke down in slides. The research essays are in the files there should be 2 parts for both essays. The instructions are in the file. Main the main point is to come up with policies. If … Read more

Rise of a Public Policy White Paper

You will select a peer-reviewed article and use that article to explain how researchers use theories to analyze the rise of a public policy and review that rise using theoretical concepts. A white paper is a form of communication from an employee to a supervisor or administrator. It should be concise, informative, and able to … Read more


InstructionsYou are a lobbyist for an issue that you find important. For example, you would like to see the banning of smoking in federal buildings (Note: This policy has already been enacted.) You are going to make an informational pamphlet to highlight your points to prominent members of Congress. Research members of Congress that you … Read more

Book Critique and Policy review: The Sovereignty Solution

BOOK:   Simons, Anna, Joe McGraw, and Diane Lauchengco. The Sovereignty Solution: A Common Sense Approach to Global Security. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2011. ISBN: 9781612510507. The Book Critique and Policy Review Paper Assignments must be 6 pages, not including the title and reference page. Format the body of your review in 4 main sections: … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Summarize a current events political news story by listing the 5Ws: Who, What, When, Where, and Why (why is the story significant). Be sure include citation for original source(s) of information.      Prepare a question about the current events news topic you summarized.