Negotiation Techniques

  Find a situation (a real-world situation or a fictional situation) with two or more parties of jurisdiction or interest over a specific project or policy (public/private partnership, intergovernmental). At least one of the parties needs to be a governing board or elected officials. In 750-1,000 words, do the following: Explain the participants in the … Read more

short essay 7 ag

In terms of law in the United States, which system of law do you think had a greater influence our legal system today, civil law or common law? Why? In your response, be sure to delineate the history of and the key aspects of both common law and civil law in your response.

American Government Essay Assignment

General Information: This assignment requires students to evaluate a question that does not have a definitive answer. Specifically, students will write an argument as to how the Supreme Court would rule on the inclusion of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance if the issue were to be brought before it again. This … Read more

Congressional committees

There are 20 standing committees in the House and another 16 in the Senate. Just about all the legislation that reaches a final floor vote in either house is a product of those committees and their numerous subcommittees. Each Thursday, beginning Week 2, your assignment is to prepare a brief profile of a standing committee … Read more

Discrimination in Health Care

USE ANNOTATED BIB This is an outline of the research already conducted on your intended topic. Your literature review will outline both the relevant decisions of the US Supreme Court surrounding your topic and also detail what legal commentators have written about these decisions and their strengths and weaknesses. You should summarize each authors main … Read more


750-1000 words APA Topic: Select one important civil right or liberty to analyzeResearch a Supreme Court decision on that right or libertyProvide a brief history of the case.What question was before the court?  How did it rule?Do you agree or disagree with the court?What were the effects of the ruling?Would you make any changes to … Read more

Effective Communication in the Workplace (Military)

Effective Communication in the workplace.  Attached is a drafted that need to be revised of this assignment labeled “Capstone Draft 1).  I need a revision on this and all instructions are attached.  Please provide a more in dept written paper of the requirement.  I will attach a template and a guide to follow.  All writing … Read more

Political Science

Write a 2-3 page typed letter to a representative in that legislative body in favor or against it’s passage, giving reasons for your stance. For this paper, you’ll need to use two or three scholarly sources to provide evidence for your position. I have provided some resources about the bill. You are more than welcome … Read more


InstructionsFor this assignment, respond to one of the following options: Option 1: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries. Summarize the article. What is the issue? Explain why this issue is important to the global community. Evaluate … Read more


 How and why did Socrates (470-390 B.C.), Plato (427-347 B.C.), and Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) affect Western history?  1. Essay 3 normal pages with enough full and proper APA citations (MULTIPLES) do not do just a list of sources at the end and never do just URLs for citations or sources, use APA guidelines. 2. sources … Read more