The Evolution of Modern States

This exam consists of two essay questions, about 2 pages each. They are questions based off of reading from the book The Evolution of Modern States: Sweden, Japan, and The United States by Sven Steinmo. You have to pick two of these countries and answer the questions. Part A and B I want based off … Read more


   Issue Analysis Paper Assignment Instructions As you look ahead to the final briefing paper, you will engage in a number of practical exercises this term to aid in your preparation of the paper. This week you will engage in the analysis of a past international crisis that has been resolved and we have the … Read more

The Importance of the Everglades in Florida Politics

Write an eight page essay on the importance of Everglades in Florida politics, specifically addressing the following questions. Using Michael Grunwalds book The Swamp, explain how the developers of Florida viewed the Everglades.Discuss the attempts to conquer the Everglades.What were the ecological consequences?And finally what does the Everglades saga tell us about the viability of … Read more

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients

Learn about the following policy that has been implemented by a growing number of states: drug testing welfare beneficiaries to determine qualification for benefits. Choose reputable sources to learn about how the policy works. Then, analyze how well you think the policy meets the following policy criterion and explain your analysis, citing your sources.-Describe the … Read more


Read and reflect on Learn: Toxic Leadership: The Antithesis to Diversity and Inclusion located in this weeks Learning Activities folder.   Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  Do you agree with the author that toxic leadership works in direct opposition to diversity and inclusion practices? Why or why not? How can you … Read more

Does populism undermine democracy?

a poster assignment about (Does populism undermine democracy?) around 300 words Harvard refrencing  no need to do the actual poster just the written part and please allocate if certain parts are related to each other. I will upload the guidelines and what is expected from this project as well as some examples. I also added … Read more


  Introduce yourself to your peers by sharing something unique about your background. Explain how you expect this course will help you move forward in your current or future career.  Take a look at these . Choose two samples, each from a different grant type, and review those proposals. In the discussion, identify which grant … Read more


This will be the same paper for the proposal used. For the final paper, there is no word or page limit. This is the rubric that will be used to grade your paper-  Please ensure that yours has the following elements: -thorough introduction to the topic– significance of the topic in international relations– a clear … Read more