Paper 2: Food Systems

For this assignment, you will view a film about your research country. ( THAILAND) You will then write a short essay (about 500 words) in which you critically evaluate the film. In your essay, you must incorporate four course concepts from at least two different weeks (by first defining the concept and then applying it … Read more

international relations assignments

Assignment 1 Essay: International Trade (Auto-Feedback)   The two predominant approaches to the study of international political economymercantilism and liberalismhave very different understandings of the nature and benefits of global trade. Imagine a country was negotiating a new trade agreement that involved substantial concessions on the part of the state. Economists analyzing the agreement concluded … Read more


here is zip file that has all the readings that you have to include in the essay, you are not allowed to use any sources from outside . also you have to use the links that i provide you in the duc .  I WANT TO HAVE 11-12 PAGES TO BE WRITTIN  DONT USE OTHER … Read more

congressional representatives

  Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 5 Lesson APA style manual Two additional sources beyond those provided InstructionsResearch the background of your Congressional representatives based on your address listed with CU – two senators and a member of the House of Representatives. Find out about their previous occupation(s), political … Read more

Discussion #4: Current Event Discussion 3/19

Do a summary of a news event. The event must be related to countries in Latin America and it must be a current news event. For example, if you do an event on the United States it will not count towards the participation grade. However, if the news event is on US-Latin American relations, then … Read more

US constitution

Why is our Constitution vague? What are the pros and cons of having a constitution that is written vaguely? Pick a “vague’ portion of the US Constitution. Has this vagueness in terminology been problematic or helpful? Provide historical examples. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Essay Number 1: Write a paper that addresses the rise of Vietnamese Nationalism that creates the Viet Minh. How does the rise of Ho Chi Minh collide with the rise of the Cold War, the last gasps of French Colonialism, and military conflict in the 1940s and 50s to to create the American presence in … Read more

Political Science 101

Midterm Essay InstructionsIn this country, we do not have a pure, direct democracy. However, we do have a government whose powers are divided among branches (executive, judicial, legislative), and levels (local, state, national) in order to limit government’s overall power and to grant more power to the individual citizens.In a fact-based (not opinion based) essay, … Read more


the discussion!  Below, I’ve listed a couple of questions to get the conversation started.  You have to respond all 5 questions. One page of each question. So a total of 5 pages.please No plagiarism. 1) According the Vavreck, how do you win a general election? What do you think about this argument? 2) What is … Read more