PBS documentary, Americas Great Divide

2-3 pages, single spaced, 10-12 point Arial or Calibri font Part 1 is linked below (must be 1 – 1 1/2 page of essay) https://www.pbs.org/video/americas-great-divide-from-obama-to-trump-part-one-8wtjss/ Part 2 is linked below (must be 1 – 1 1/2 page of essay) https://www.pbs.org/video/americas-great-divide-obama-trump-part-two-b2frtx/

How to sustain and maintain an ethical command climate

Explain the relationship between a Sergeants Majors role in establishing and sustaining a positive and ethical climate and the role of leadership in the exercise of moral courage (think about your responsibility to establish a positive ethical climate and how this impacts moral courage). Reflect upon the below questions before you begin: -How does a … Read more


  INSTRUCTIONS: In no less than 1,500 and no more than 50,000 words in complete and succinct sentences, word-processed or typed, and coherent paragraphs, respond to at least three of the questions below. Use your own words and examples, pertinent charts, graphs and cartoons to communicate the content and meaning you intend. Answer at least … Read more

Discourse Analysis

This assignment requires students to   write   an  essay   using   the   required  readings   on   March   9   and   at  least   five   of   the supplementary readings on pages 11 and 12.  The purpose of this assignment is to construct an argument using discourse analysis by analyzing speeches delivered in a political setting. Students can choose to do one … Read more

Comparative Political Systems

Question: In what ways does the country elect its political representatives?Country: Israel I must answer this question in depth, maybe in the format of PEEL because he specifically told us he does not want a paragraph full of facts right after the other. I must state the fact and explain how and why. I will … Read more

Conflict Intervention and Recommendations Paper

Write a paper addressing conflict intervention and recommendations for the Patton family conflict that is at least 700 words. Before starting the paper, the team will have to identify the issues facing the Patton family. You may use the case study found in the Week Two materials as a resource. Use Ch. 14, 15 and 16 of The Mediation Process to help guide … Read more

Freedom of speech

First, read the questions in the assessment below so you will have a general idea of what you will be looking for in the article. Next, open and read the attached PDF article. Answers to the questions should be written in accurate, detailed, and complete sentences (2-4 per question). 1. Describe the issue (the underlying … Read more

Interest Groups Research

Explore the Center for Responsive Politics  website. The Center for Responsive Politics tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. The center provides data and analytical reports on a number of topics (presidential elections, super pacs, political parties, 527 groups, etc.) Research an area that interests you on the site. … Read more

How does stress affect the body?

Important following the instructions inside the fileVery important, the materials should not be blogs post, Wikipedia source, webpages sources, only We can use the academic source and applicable to a website source we can use is from CDC/WHO/ or any governmental organization is fine.Very important I need use 20 reference.