Any topic (writer’s choice)

What are some of the significant reasons or causes for the low voter turnout in America? Describe the  differences in the levels of voter turnout for presidential as opposed to other types of elections such as for  the presidency, Congress, state officials and local governments. Is voter apathy and alienation such a deeply rooted problem  … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

please write a post responding to the articles  attached (below a s Links and PDF) The post can take any of the following formats: (Chose only ONE format to write your post with) 1-An analysis of a (ONE) single reading;or 2-An examination of key ideas/conflicts across multiple readings from the section;or 3-An application of the … Read more

Montana State and Local Politics

Chapter 13: Taxing & Spending        Consider your states: are some states at a comparative advantage such that they are able to employ more lucrative taxing systems than other states?        The FG and Vermont do not have balanced budget requirements. Should the other states join them? What might be the consequences of such an … Read more

Essay about Stereotypes on Islam, Muslims, and Arabs

Instruction:Microsoft Word Document Size 12Times New RomanMLA formatbibliography works cited pageNO PLAGIARISM Research different stereotypes about Islam, Arabs, and Muslims (Ex: All Muslims are terrorists, Islam oppresses women, etc). Once you found a stereotype on this topic, start researching and guide the essay on that particular stereotype. Format of essay:Introduction: Make a good, interesting, and … Read more


  67 pg Emergence for 6 hours  Essay 3: Environment & the Challenges of Global Governance  Considering the readings, video presentations, and your own research, draft a quality 67 pg. research paper on a particular global environmental challenge with at least region-wide if not wider significance. Discuss your selection in accordance with the following prompts, answering … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Define international political economy. What is it? What questions does it seek to answer? Why is the study of IPE important, both to you personally and in terms of the policy issues and areas you care about most? USE THESE SOURCES  and attached sources Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum:

Lecture 2 INR 3243

Answer the following short answer questions in short paragraphs comprised of complete sentences.  Format: Create a Word Document, with your name, course number, and date. The answers should be in your own words, double spaced and in times new roman font 12. If you use outside sources to complete your answers, then site the source … Read more

American Government 1

*** These are Discussion Posts *** 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each (Trustee and Delegate) of the following type of representative (agent)  Trustee Delegate 2. What would agents/representatives need to know about their constituents to best represent them and WHY? (Discuss at least THREE ways) 3. What characteristics would make someone better suited … Read more