international relations assignments

assignment 1  Essay: The United Nations Systems   Instructions Start Writing The United Nations Security Council is the worlds primary body for maintaining international peace and security through a multilateral institution. It is the only organization within the United Nations system that has the authority to make binding decisions and to enforce those decisions through … Read more


(Both essays need to be written, please don’t just pick one from below!!!!)Each essay should be at least 400 words in length and include references for outside sources.Essay 1 Explain the process by which Presidents are selected in the United States. Cover the period from the primaries to the election. Also, in your opinion, why … Read more


   78-page Using all learning available this session including biblical and extra-biblical resources and your own research, write a quality 78-page paper on a topic of your choice dealing with global governance. Include the following components for a successful paper: The paper must not be on a subject written for any other course or in a … Read more

USA political parties

In 2021, are political parties relevant? Do are they beneficial or do they do more harm to candidates? The following sources are not acceptableSparknotes, CliffNotes, ballotpedia, dictionary, encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Scholastic, any source that is not an academic approved website; and any source geared to K-12. Please see the Library Tab, Click on the Help Tab … Read more

4 essasys

Answer question in at least 300 words. Cite all sources (not included in word count). Question: Why did ancient thinkers focus on good character as a prerequisite for leadership? Provide an example.  Answer question in at least 300 words. Cite all sources (not included in word count). Question: Why were the Ancient Greek philosophers distrustful of democracy? For these … Read more

google form

  Assignment 3 is to submit your questionnair design. It is due on Mar. 12 at 5 PM. 1. Use Google Forms to create a questionnair  2. The survey has at least 10 questions including both demographics and consumer behavior measures. 3. The questionnaire is desgined to understand who/why consumers have a certain behavior towards … Read more


According to the reading, non-profits can serve as privately supported supplementary service providers of public goods or as complimentary partners with governmental entities in public service provisions. Using the various strands of theory discussed in the readings analyze the non-profits involved in the Houston Homeless initiative using the material posted in the module. You may … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please choose one from the following list Explain bridging institutions and illustrate them (lectures)Explain linkage and illustrate it (lectures) Explain anti-democratic coalitions (lectures) No Outside resources, I will upload the lectures. Formatting Double spacing,12pt Times New Roman or Arial,1 inch margins,No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,No extraneous space between … Read more


  6-8 Pages  watch  and read attached doc  Using all learning available this session including biblical and extra-biblical resources, your own research, and the important chapter 10 material on Human Rights, write a quality 68-pg. research & reflection paper. Your paper will be a response to the film, Ghosts of Rwanda, a film revisiting the 1994 … Read more

Week 9 Discussion

Please answer one of the following:  1 Can The European Model (of Soft Power & Development) be Exported to other States and Regions e.g., AU (African Union) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)? 2 Explain the Copenhagen Criteria, and what effects it has had on the diplomatic approach of the European Union since the … Read more