Discussion #3: Current Event Discussion 3/12

Do a summary of a news event. The event must be related to countries in Latin America and it must be a current news event. For example, if you do an event on the United States it will not count towards the participation grade. However, if the news event is on US-Latin American relations, then … Read more

Fragile states

For our first discussion, go to the Fragile States Index (Links to an external site.) online and choose any country of interest. Read about the indicators (http://fundforpeace.org/fsi/indicators/ (Links to an external site.)); you can click on the individual indicators to learn more about any of the 12.  Then read about how these apply to your … Read more

environment and the challenges of global governance

   Essay 3: Environment & the Challenges of Global Governance  Considering the readings, video presentations, and your own research, draft a quality 6pg. research paper on a particular global environmental challenge with at least region-wide if not wider significance.  Each paper must contain at least 5-7 scholarly sources original to this paper, Discuss your selection … Read more

Civil Liberties

Write a response to the Mill article assigned for this week. This article is included in your module materials.  Your response must be at least two paragraphs in length with each paragraph at least 6 sentences long (though you may write more). In the first paragraph, briefly summarize the articles main points. In the second … Read more

Policy Paper

Write an eight page essay on the importance of Everglades in Florida politics, specifically addressing the following questions.  Using Michael Grunwalds book The Swamp, explain how the developers of Florida viewed the Everglades. Discuss the attempts to conquer the Everglades. What were the ecological consequences? And finally what does the Everglades saga tell us about … Read more

Mediation Paper

Choose a conflict you are currently facing, or of which you are aware. Write a paper of at least 1,200 words addressing the following: Describe the conflict (personal, news media, etc.) in detail. Apply mediation as a preferred conflict management technique to the specific conflict that you have chosen.  Present the pros and cons of using mediation … Read more

Federal Bureaucracy

The federal bureaucracy is sometimes referred to as the “fourth branch” of the government because it wields significant power. Using a news article from the last eight weeks that demonstrates this power, evaluate the bureaucracy as a co-equal branch of the federal government. Why or why isn’t it a “fourth branch”? Be sure to apply … Read more

political science

Part 1.  Were the people of the United States of America in 1789 better off under the US Constitution than they were under the Articles of Confederation?  Why or why not? (1 page) Part 2 (50 points)We have often heard the refrain that the Constitution established three co-equal branches of government.  Did it?  Discuss whether … Read more

Womens Representation in Government

I need an 1000 word paper that reviews the following 3 articles on womens representation in government https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2018/preliminary/paper/an5yEb5h https://scholars.org/sites/scholars/files/shauna_shames_-_barriers_and_solutions.pdf https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311886.2019.1681048