Any topic (writer’s choice)

please write a post responding to the article attached  (below as  Links and PDF) The post can take any of the following formats: (Chose only ONE format to write your post with) An analysis of a (ONE) single reading;orAn examination of key ideas/conflicts across multiple readings from the section;orAn application of the reading to current … Read more

Criminal Justice

  The Pledge of Allegiance Religion and politics have traditionally been highly debated topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has added to this debate. American citizens have generally recited the Pledge of Allegiance at important ceremonies ranging from presidential inaugurations to the beginning of the school day. The pledge has a great … Read more

political violence and extremism in Israel

4. Duringthecourse,wehavedevotedmuchdiscussiontothephenomenonofpoliticalviolence. We have addressed conceptual and methodological issues about defining and assessing political violence and avoiding the obstacles that have hindered previous research.a) Explainthedifficultiesinvolvedintheuseofthewordviolenceanddefinitionalproblemsposed by the concept of political violence. Why does conceptualizing so important for theunderstanding of the phenomenon?b) Does support for political violence necessarily predicts violent behavior? Explain variousmethodological problems involved in … Read more

Explain anti-democratic coalitions

No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers. Use in-text citations and cite lectures and class readings where appropriate (stated in the parenthesis)Do not use outside sourcesDo not copy/paste lecture notes or texts in the book

Political Violence and Extremism in Israel

4. Duringthecourse,wehavedevotedmuchdiscussiontothephenomenonofpoliticalviolence. We have addressed conceptual and methodological issues about defining and assessing political violence and avoiding the obstacles that have hindered previous research.a) Explainthedifficultiesinvolvedintheuseofthewordviolenceanddefinitionalproblemsposed by the concept of political violence. Why does conceptualizing so important for theunderstanding of the phenomenon?b) Does support for political violence necessarily predicts violent behavior? Explain variousmethodological problems involved in … Read more

blog about equality

You are required to write an 800 word Blog on equality. Use a current event as a way to link to a theme from the module. Blog will be marked on the quality of the argument (50%) and the clarity of the writing (50%).Blogs arent heavily referenced but do often include hyperlinks to data or … Read more

Article Analysis #8- The Executive and Federal Bureaucracy

First, read a news story from the newspaper or the Internet.  Answer the following questions regarding your news story: 1) What is the main issue, who are the main actors being discussed;   Second, choose one of the assigned articles you read for this week.  Answer the following questions regarding the assigned article: 1) What … Read more


  respond to in 200-300 words. In Specters of East Asia: Okinawa, Taiwan, and Korea, Choi Jinseok writes, I will therefore refer to myself not as minority, but as multiplicity (Choi 55). What does multiplicity mean and how does this term change and complicate how we can think about the history of racism, colonialism, and … Read more


What are the prospects for perseverance of the current political, economic, and cultural institutions of Western Civilization?In answering this question, give an account of the strengths and weaknesses of these institutions and compare them with the institutions that you specified in your Constitutional Design Process assignment.