international relations assignments

Assignment 1     Essay: Making Foreign Policy According to the rational model of foreign policy decision making, policy decisions are the rational outcome of cost-benefit analysis. But in the real world, foreign policy decisions are often influenced by individual behavior, domestic politics, lobbying, and public opinion. Imagine you are the President of the United States … Read more

essay in international relations major

 we ask that you provide a 3,000-word  6 to 7 pages not include citations, academic essay on the topic below. Your essay must include citations for sources as well as a bibliography. Students can choose between any citation/referencing style they like (MLA, Chicago 16th) but referencing should be consistent in the document.   the question is: … Read more

international relations assignments

assignment 1    Essay: Political Systems (Auto-Feedback) Most democratic political systems in the world today can be divided into two basic types: presidential systems, like the United States, and parliamentary systems, like Great Britain. While both are representative democracies, the structures and features of the respective political systems differ greatly. Compare and contrast the presidential … Read more

Challenges of Democratic Governance

In the last few years, democratic recession has been particularly troubling in the Andes as populist parties/leaders have emerged in response to the publics frustration and discontent with weak democratic institutions and performance and increasing dissatisfaction with corrupt and incompetent government. In Peru, for example, there have been five presidents in the last 3 years … Read more

Essay C5

   You will craft individual essays in response to the provided prompts. You must use current Turabian style with default margins and 12-pt Times New Roman font. For each essay, include a title page and reference page, also in current Turabian format. You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate scholarly sources to … Read more

How do Lockes criteria for exclusion compare with those of Socrates? How do their differences on this issue reflect their different political goals?

uses Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration and Plato’s Republic.this is the entire essay topic In “A Letter Concerning Toleration” Locke champions religious toleration in contrast with the restrictive practices of the churches of his day and the states that enforced these.  Socrates, by contrast,  practices intolerance In constructing his city in speech, suppressing the opinions about the … Read more

INR Week 6 discussion

Week 6 Discussion 1.By tying its formulation to particular ethical traditions, how does Justificatory minimalism suppose it will avoid unnecessary obstacles? 2.Why do Skeptics find the New Human Rights Mandate has not lived up to its Mandate? 3.In Why did Annan Fail, which of the explanations (you can chose more than one), contributed most to … Read more

Changes and Delay

Changes and DelaysNo unread replies.No replies.Read the assigned brief for this week, General Builders Supply Co., Inc. V. United States (pp. 273-276). Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading ( Second Treatise, Ch. 1-11; 14; 18-19) then do the following: Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by the material below. – At least one QRC must explicitly identify a passage( quote a passage and then respond to it) … Read more

Demand or supply………………….for Diana Kigen

 Deadline:February 21Compensation  / PagePages:2, Double SpacedSources:3Order type:EssaySubject:Political ScienceAcademic level:UndergraduateStyle:MLALanguage:English (U.S.)Order Description Theories of "relative deprivation" and "social disequilibrium" are sometimes viewed as "demand-side" revolutions. Theories of political opportunities and mobilization, on the other hand, are sometimes referred to as "supply-side" revolutions. In other words, "supply-side" revolutions are top-down affairs while "demand-side" are bottom-up affairs. Which … Read more