Environmental Racism and Human Dignity

Prepare and submit an 8-10 page (+ references) scholarly paper (1.5-line spacing) with proper citations (Chicago Manual of Style or American Psychological Association style) addressing one significant historical aspect or conception of human dignity that you assert remains relevant to contemporary public policy (in the United States, another country, or globally), but which you think … Read more

Political science

For this assignment, respond to one of the following options: Option 1: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries. Summarize the article. What is the issue? Explain why this issue is important to the global community. Evaluate … Read more

Private Prisons Response memo

You will review the provided chapter from the CQ Issues for Debate text. You must submit a 600 minimum word response memo for this case. The purpose of this memo is to meaningfully engage with the material from he chapter and this through the structural, institutional and economic factors that gave rise tot he use … Read more

Political Science

Please if you are going rush dont place a BID. Question for Discussion Forum Five In the year 2021, are the responsibilities of the presidency and executive branch too large a job for one person? Are there any constitutional powers you believe should be expanded or taken away from the president? Answer the weekly question … Read more

presidential popularity

Which U.S. Presidents were popular? Which U.S. Presidents were unpopular? Your assignment is to choose two U.S. Presidents and assess their popularity (Excluding Joe Biden since his term just began). I want you to assess them each individually as to whether you would rate them as popular or unpopular (or perhaps somewhere in between) and … Read more

Agenda setting discussion response 2

Half page response is ok for this discussion with one scholarly APA reference… As stated in Cobb (2020) despite the best efforts of agenda setters throughout politics, the contingent nature of crises and focusing effects are also important in helping legislators and citizens decide what is important or not. (p.260). The task of being the … Read more

Agenda setting discussion response

Half page response to this post with one APA scholarly source… One way that candidates set the agenda during elections is to focus on a population group. I will use Bernie Sanders as an example, who would think that the oldest candidate would be supported by the youngest voting group, the millennials. According to The … Read more


  For this weeks assignment, we are discussing voting and elections. Voting is an essential component of our democracy. However it is not without its criticism. For this assignment, please read the study provided by the Pew Research and answer the following questions. 1. Exploring the data surrounding the four voting variables (i.e. Important, Convenient, … Read more

Political Socialization Response Paper

Reflect upon your own process of political socialization and agents of socialization in your life.  Write a paper that addresses all of the following: What agents have been most influential in shaping your core political beliefs and specific attitudes regarding politics and the appropriate size and role of government? You must state at least one … Read more