The Media

The background information is:Pro:  Ever since the Fairness Doctrine was repealed in 1987 the coverage of politics on television has seriously deteriorated. Cable TV news has become nothing but an outlet for outrageous slanted opinions; serious discussion of the issues has been largely shunted to the side. For the sake of the public interest, the … Read more

Political Science Essay

The last paper is a synthesis of previous weeks materials.  What this means is that it is your job to draw on different theories, from different weeks, in your answer.  Like the shorter paper, there are prompts that you can choose from (find below).  Unlike past weeks, the paper is not three pages, but should … Read more


This weeks reading covers the debate over the application of the term apartheid in the Israeli-Palestine context (Tapper & Sucharov, 2019). Apartheid means “apartness” in Afrikaans and is used to describe the institutionalized system of racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa between 1948 and 1994 (Tapper & Sucharov, 2019, p. 176). Though the term … Read more

Political Science Britain and Russia

Please substantiate your points with references to course readings, lectures, or other sources. This can be done in parentheses in the text as follows: (Powell, 2018: 157-58), (Smith, 2012: chap. 2), or (lecture, November 3). Do not, however, include long or frequent quotations. Make sure that you properly cite all your sources, including course readings … Read more


Upon watching Naila and the Uprising, the scenes of the first intifada really took me back. It does not seem like so long ago that Palestinians united to reject Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The first intifada was difficult for many Palestinians, who had long been treated so brutally by the Israeli … Read more

Thomas Hobbes Leviathan

Hobbes says we leave the state of nature and create the commonwealth to escape from fear. He also says we obey the laws of the commonwealth because we fear the sovereign. Is this a contradiction? Why or why not? Cite the Leviathan by page number in parentheses after the relevant reference or quotation. If you … Read more

Case Event Group Discussion

  Current Event/Ashworth Scenario Group Discussion #1: Ashworth- OCTOBER 77 unread replies.77 replies. After reading the and   from the Ashworth text (attached and in Module 5 as a stand alone page) do a bit of searching for a Current Event  (no more than 6 months old) that represents this particular Public Administration problem/issue that … Read more

american federal government

Instructions:This essay is comprised of two components. The essay must be at least 1000 words overall. Please include a works cited page as well. Part One:Begin by completing the following political ideology quizzes:Advocates for Self Government a libertarian website: Research Center for People & the Press:, analyze the results. Do you believe that … Read more


Put together a synthesized version of an analysis of the country of Germany that helps in understanding and managing the political risks affecting: The active social, political, cultural, and economic environment; The political stability and sustainability structure; Access to strategic human, natural, and economic skills and resources; Access to allies and enemies; Local and regional … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 1:  Identify a political figure or organization which represents or embodies one of the theories of international relations covered in Realism, Liberalism, Economic Structuralism, Constructivism, and Feminism. Share your project topic. Question 2:  list 10 relevant facts/statistics about Afghanistan . For instance, if you are looking at political corruption in Russia, you might include … Read more