anne Phillips view

In “Must Feminists Give Up on Liberal Democracy?” Anne Phillips writes that “while liberal democracy has signally failed to deliver on its promises to women, it does not help to address these failings in terms of giving up on liberal democracy.” Do you agree or disagree with Phillips’ view? By drawing on the academic literature … Read more

Mini Research Proposal

1 to 3 sentence clear, assertive, compelling proposal (worth 100 points) Course topics include: -institution -social conflict -politics -government -power -authority -referendum -initiative -public services -autocracy -monarchy -divine right theory -dictatorship -democracy and more.. choose a topic to do a research project on (i recommend social conflict). This project consists of: 1. Proposal 2. Progress … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Supreme Court heard a case two terms ago considering whether or not a baker has the right to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple if they have a religious objection. The state of Colorado alleges that the bakers actions violate state non-discrimination laws while the baker contends that his actions are … Read more

discussion 2

Discussion Board Question 2: Many people laughed out loud when President Trump suggested dropping a nuclear weapon into a hurricane to stop it from making landfall. But some scientists have seriously considered the idea of using such technology someday to trigger ‘human-made’ earthquakes of smaller magnitudes over time to prevent one massive one that causes … Read more

short essay 2

Discussion Board Question 2: Our three tiered system of federalism (federal, state and local) has served the country well for the better part of its history. But it has come under intense scrutiny during the COVID-19 pandemic as President Trump last year lashed out at and undermined certain state governors (ex. the Governor of Michigan) … Read more

discussion 2

Discussion Board Question 2: Many people laughed out loud when President Trump suggested dropping a nuclear weapon into a hurricane to stop it from making landfall. But some scientists have seriously considered the idea of using such technology someday to trigger ‘human-made’ earthquakes of smaller magnitudes over time to prevent one massive one that causes … Read more

political science

  Option 1: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries. Summarize the article. What is the issue? Explain why this issue is important to the global community. Evaluate the source. What is your opinion?

palestinian society and politics

Part A (75%):Read carefully and answer all the questions.Do not write more than two pages per answer. Subsequent pages will not be read. Three questions worth 25 points each = 75 points.Part B (40%):Read carefully! Define and explain each of the terms. Please do not write more than 10 lines for each term. Five questions … Read more

critique paper- post colonial colonialism

How to write a critique paper: 1. identification of the research question 2. summarization of the important points of the argument being made 3. discussion of alternative explanations as they relate to the argument being made (this is where your critical thinking should be reflected)

Explain the sovereign paradox

Double spacing,12pt Times New Roman1 inch margins,No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers. Cite lectures and class readings where appropriate (stated in the parenthesis)Do not use outside sources