Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the attached document (below as PDF) You will find six speeches made by modern presidents as they unilaterally initiated the use of force. For each speech, briefly describe how the president *legally* or *constitutionally* justifies his *authority* to use force. (Not why using force is his preferred policy choice). If you can’t find any … Read more

Use of Force

 Instructions Make an argument explaining when U.S. military intervention in other countries is appropriate. Use real examples and document them with credible sources. Defend your position, including acknowledging the potential risks associated with your chosen scenario(s). Consider opposing viewpoints, and rebut them if necessary. Essays should be 750 words in length, not including repetition of … Read more

Government Paper

This is an analytical paper.  In other words, your paper should be devoted to defending your conclusion using logic and evidence.  It should use only credible sources, and it should back up its assertions with facts taken from credible sources.  It should also consider both sides of the issue.This is a research paper.  That means … Read more


  In your own words, explain what “ETHICS” means to you. Provide an example of how you demonstrate your ethical behavior at home, school, at work.  Describe how you want to be known by others and explain why it is important for you to be known that way.