The media and men and women in our society?

Doing some research of scholarly sources, answer the following discussion question. Include relevant points and make sure that your information is correctly cited. Think about popular television programs on the air right now. What do the women in these programs look like? What do the men look like? What kinds of messages do you think … Read more

The story of David Reimer

Watch this video: The transcript is here: This is the story of David Reimer. David was born “Bruce” – along with an identical twin brother, Brian. At 7 months of age, there was a circumcision accident in which “Bruce’s” penis was almost entirely burnt off. It was 1966, and the Reimer’s sought the … Read more

Background of the problem

The Background of the Problem section identifies the gap or need based on prior research that informs the topic and problem statement for the research study. Post a draft (minimum 1 page) of your Background to the Problem section of your study. (Note: This will be used in the Topic 7 assignment.) What challenges did … Read more

Scientific Journal Analysis

In the first part of the essay, provide a summary of the research paper: 1) what question were the experimenters asking? 2) what was their hypothesis? 3) what were their methods? (what did they manipulate and what and how did they measure?)4) what were the results? 5) why is this study interesting? the link to … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

View the video of the lesson you have chosen and respond to the following questions.Identify the instructional model(s) exhibited by the teacher during instruction and provide examples that validates this assumption. Refer to the Evidence-Based Models of Teaching (Links to an external site.) document you used in Week Five Discussion One to refresh your memory … Read more

Behavior and emotional problems in toddlers with pervasive developmental disorders and developmental delay

Collecting data! Students will be required to think up at least one research question and establish the research methods best suited to answer this question. Students will then write up their research as a proposal for submission to a grant or funding agency in APA style. The research proposal will generally include (a) a Cover … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion:-What are your thoughts on the risks of teratogen exposure during pregnancy? (Are the risks understated or overstated? Are there exceptions? Other factors?)-How can we better educate people on the risks to reduce/prevent birth defects? Note: Teratogens are any factor that can cause or contribute to a birth defect (e.g. drugs, toxins, illness, etc)

Data Driven Decisions

3 PART Assignment, based off data and readings. Use your textbook Leverage Leadership 2.0 Chapter 1: Data-Driven Instruction pages 25-87. Also, reference the CD Resource Document from that textbook named: 001 DDI-3B North Star Assessment Teacher Reflection or “3B–Analysis_&_Action_Plan_Template_2011” these are Exemplar examples of the questions you should be asking your teachers during this process … Read more


Submit a Word file containing two images of graphs: a pie chart for Race and a histogram for Age. You will complete this activity using your Soomo webtext writing template and the data set provided in Soomo. Specifically, you must address the following: Create a pie chart for Race.Create a histogram for Age, with a … Read more


The final project is an essay that describes your understanding of the purpose of education in a democracy and who you think ought to decide about it. It consists of two parts: 1. An interview with a stakeholder in an educational community of your choice2. A 4-5 page paper that describes the interview, and provides … Read more