Cognitivism – Learning Theory

THE OUTCOME:Students will write a 2 – 3 page paper on a topic that interests them and aids their professional growth in classroom management. THE GUIDELINES:TOPIC: You may select any topic we have explored thus far in our studies. TOPIC DISCUSSION: Schedule a topic conversation with me on or before Monday, February 8. You must … Read more

Self reflection essay

Create a five-paragraph self-reflection research essay of 500-750-words that includes: an introduction with a mapped thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The following sub-topics should be the basis of your thesis statement and three body paragraphs: Explain how you can apply the knowledge learned in this course towards effective communication within your field … Read more

Examine Systems Theory Concepts

Marriage and family therapy introduction course After reviewing all the resources for this week, prepare a written summary and reflection to demonstrate your initial understanding of systems theory. Be sure to address the following: Begin with a brief introduction to systems theory concepts.Explore and reflect on specific systems theory concepts that you identified within the … Read more

Shared Vision

Inspire a Shared Vision Position Outline Journal Assignment Read the two chapters found in Practice 2: Inspire a Shared Vision (in the Kouzes and Posner textbook). Prepare a position outline journal (POJ) to answer the following questions: Central Issues and Analysis What are the central issues presented in the assigned reading?  How are the issues … Read more

Journal Assignment

Read the two chapters found in Practice 1: Model the Way (in the Kouzes and Posner textbook).  Prepare a position outline journal (POJ) to answer the following questions: Central Issues and Analysis What are the central issues presented in the assigned reading?  How are the issues related to information you have studied?  In your opinion, … Read more

Can hypnosis help you stop smoking?

please read the pdf attached. There are 6 principles of scientific thinking in research. first, in the pdf, it explained all 6 of them. then 1.5-page article is describing  Can hypnosis help you stop smoking? Then based on these you should write the essay and answer the questions needed in the essay. EVERYTHING IS IN … Read more

Research Response Questions

First, read the research article posted in Assignments as “Article For RRQ #1”. Then, answer the following questions in a .doc, .docx, or .rtf and upload it below. Your responses should be well-considered, complete, grammatical sentences, and should indicate that you genuinely read and thought critically about the article. Responses should be no fewer than … Read more

Personality Tests

Overview Many people study psychology because they want to understand themselves and others better. Tools have been developed to assess many aspects of personality. For this assessment, you will take an example of a personality test and write a reflection paper. Context Personality tests can be used for a variety of reasons including work placement, … Read more