Any topic (writer’s choice)

you will be required to write a five-page paper on the use of medication to treat Bipolar Disorder In particular, you will utilize at least six peer-reviewed journal articles to explore the topic, summarizing research that supports the use of anti-psychotic and mood stabilizer medications, as well as research that does not support the use … Read more

Replay Dr. Selv

Pleas reply to: In many cases what appears to be relative, when it comes to morality, comes down to nuances in language and definitions. How might understanding the ways that language evolves and is used to communicate help us better understand and address issues like morality? (This reply is based on previous work )

alcohol use and mental health

DissertationStudents registered are required to submit an essay/dissertationbetween 3000-3500 words. It should comprise a critical evaluation ofapproximately 10-12 papers in the students own area of interest thatshow a range of research methods and should discuss theircontribution to that area.Essays should be written and presented as a review paper in ajournal. Choose a review paper from … Read more

Discussion post

After completing the self-assessment and self-inventory exercises in this week’s studies, describe any insights you gained about your values and skills. Explore how personal interests, goals, and values have impacted or may impact your professional work life or professional goals and choices. How have your goals affected (or how might your goals affect) your professional … Read more

Peer Response week 3 RC

Please Respond To: There are two types of morality. Relative morality is when people create their own unique morality and the concept of a universal morality is not existent (Boss, 2017, p. 281). Moral relativists have different perspectives on controversial topics and what they say, goes. As for a universal morality, it is the complete … Read more

Peer Response week 3 TS

Please respond to : I believe morality is universal would best represent my own views. According to Boss (2017), most moral philosophers believe that morality is universal that moral principles are binding on all people regardless of their personal desires, culture, or religion (p. 303). I agree with this statement. Boss (2017) also wrote, According … Read more

Psychology of Gender

Explain how evolutionary psychology, social role theory, and biosocial constructionist theory each account for the origins of gender stereotypes. Describe why the specific content of stereotypes applied to men and women (e.g., men as relatively high on agency and women relatively high on warmth) emerged, according to each theory.

analysis of student writing

Participants will analyze three (3) pieces of one students writing and write an approximately 2500 word paper that includes a teacher-created rubric you used to analyze the writing, an analysis of the students grammatical and academic strengths and weakness, an evaluation of syntax and organization as reflected in the students interlanguage, information about the student’s … Read more

Response posts week 3

required for each discussion are three (3) replies to at least three different classmates, due by Sunday at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Discussions are scholarly dialogs, so while sharing what you think and not just what published authors wrote is encouraged, only stating opinion isn’t acceptable. Instead, thoughtfully integrate relevant theory and research you read … Read more


===Assemble examples of social thinking, social influence, and social relations present in your selected cultural artifact (The Cosby Show).===Summarize applicable social psychological theory.===Describe applicable social psychological research.===Explain specific relevant concepts from a social psychological perspective.===Appraise the relevance of culture to your analysis of the selected cultural artifact (on your interpretation, or the events you are … Read more