
Identify at least five print advertisements or television commercials for a specific type of product (e.g., cleaning products, vehicles, fragrance, alcohol, etc.), or childrens books. How do they represent different social groups? Are stereotypes evident? Are the stereotypes positive or negative? What are potential implications? Why might marketers choose to use or avoid stereotypic material? … Read more

Human relations

        Watch the clip below. It shows two almost friends and one sharing a story that instantly changed him both at the time and likely forever more.What is your story? Describe one event, you might not ordinarily share, that changed you, both at the time and who you would eventually become. https://youtu.be/k2I6tG98nzI … Read more

Mental Health Promotion

1. Initial Post – 30 pointsDiscussion of journal article supporting a mental health promotion and disease prevention protocol which guides the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) in influencing mental health policy in the delivery of care. 300 – 500 words for discussion to include introductory statement, prevalence or need for chosen protocol, main components … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Critical Assignment: Family Case Presentation (clients Adrian, Judy, and Pam) The purpose of this critical assignment is for students to compose a Family Case Presentation that presents a comprehensive description of the therapeutic treatment of the family of Adrian (dad), Judy (mom), and Pam (adult daughter) from the psychotherapy videos (please see attachments)  The presentation … Read more

Substance-Related Disorders Presentation

Substance abuse is common among the forensic population, and it can be difficult to treat. This assignment will prepare you for the issues you may encounter regarding treating substance abuse with the forensic population. Review the Clinical Case Studies journal, located in the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings. Choose a case study that discusses a … Read more

Personal Experience Paper

Assignment Content Identify an experience you had that may have been difficult to overcome and process. ” When I was in my 1st year of college, there were individuals having drugs at in dorms. I starting using drugs because of this Identify a scenario in the corrections environment when an inmate or offender may have … Read more

Crisis and Trauma Situations

The trauma scenario: Well known and well liked member in the community killed a family friend who had found out about part of his life he didnt want exposed, no priors, family dysfunction, suffers from manic depressionCorrectional officer found him in his cell, apparent suicide, never gave the staff any problems, did his part around … Read more


Part A: We would like you to post about your theoretical approach. (person centered therapy approach)  Briefly reflect on which orientation resonates the most with you and why.  Clearly name the approach (you can include integrative or eclectic here) and two things you appreciate about it that will work for you in our future practice … Read more

psy of adj j3

Part I: Reflect on a particularly stressful time in your life and how your learning in this unit might have impacted your style of coping. Part II: Discuss a current stressor, such as weight issues or career concerns, and suggest ideas from Chapters 5 or 6 that could help you to better cope.

psy of adj j2

Choose one factor or concept from each chapter in this unit that impacts our relationships, and discuss an original example of each from your own life or community. Perhaps your example relates to a time when you used a particular learning technique with your children or when you found a new way to explain a … Read more