
***Assess the artifact (The Cosby Show) for relevant social relations principles. ***Describe social psychological theory and research that explains these principles. ***Relate these principles to your own unique experiences, considering personal and social identities as well as cultural context. —Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear … Read more


Examine the article Are Great Leaders Born, or Are They Made? by David A. Olson and use his account of Bay Area Medical Center as your case study this week. Describe the leadership strategies employed by that organization to reflect flexibility, promote sustainability, foster effective change management, and further organizational goals. Could these strategies work … Read more

critical thinking

In her essay entitled Autonomy as Intellectual Virtue, Kyla Ebels-Duggan argues that college instructors should aim to foster three virtues in students: intellectual charity, humility, and tenacity. Why does Ebels-Duggan believe todays students stand to benefit from these intellectual virtues in particular? Ultimately, do you agree that faculty should focus on helping college students to … Read more

guidance counselor interview and protocol for suicide threats at UNT

For the guidance counselor what tests (interest tests, aptitude tests, and other tests) guidance counselors use in the vocational guidance process on his/her campus. What test information does he/she find to be most and least useful? Research and report University of north Texass (or a chosen) campus/agency protocol for handling suicide threats. Is it in … Read more

Borderline Disorder after Military sexual Trauma

Below is an email from my professor. He wants my sentence outline changed. Please see your completed paper attached as well. Hi All, Friendly Reminders for student who might have forgotten the difference between quantitative/evidence-based and qualitative Article! After reading everyone’s course selections and some interest this week in the Initial post, it motivated me … Read more

Nature vs Nurture Debate

you learned about language and cognitive development. Psychologists have been debating for quite some time about whether it is nature (heredity) or nurture (our environment) that influences our development and behavior.Take a look at this video and share your perspectives on what you believe was most influential in your own development and behavior. video

ethnographic research

construct a 9-11 page paper that:a) demonstrates proficiency in setting up an ethnographic research project;b) describes a strategic site for ethnographic research; andc) conducts ethnographic research (via observation only) and presents some preliminary findings.Your paper should utilize sound critical thought, refer to course materials, and be written in APA-format (to include a title page, abstract, … Read more

content analysis

construct a 7-9 page paper that:a) illustrates an accurate description of content analysis as it applies to qualitative methods supported by classroom concepts;b) provides a detailed content analysis (with matrix) of a particular form of popular media (via either 30-plus minutes of content, 20-25 images, or some other parameter (instructor permission for which must have … Read more