academic language

Language and content are essential components to building literacy. After watching the webinar and viewing the videos, please discuss how crafting instructional activities and tasks, planning instruction around academic language and its use, and measuring success through varied assessments support your students’ language growth and content knowledge.  Below here are the video links to answer … Read more

Philosophy of science

I need an essay for my last course before my graduation. I’m too involved in doing my thesis and I’m running out of time. The essay I have to do for this course is an argumentative essay on an argument of our preference chosen between the notions of the course. I would like an essay … Read more

Case study: Abramovitz

After reading the article by Abramovitz, discuss The major points made in the article This should be a brief summary in your own words.How has your field placement agency has been affected by cuts in funding for services or other changes in the policies for determining who can receive services?How have both the workers and … Read more

2 articles

Hello, pls use two articles and answer the two questions below. Thank you.Questions:1. What strategies can you use to assess a child when you do not speak that child’s home language? What additional resources might you need to seek out?2. Based on p. 68-75, Think about the planning and organization you need to do to … Read more


For this week, please review your weekly resources for tips on how to create a presentation outline. The headings and sub-headings reflected in your outline should be used to organize the content for your presentation slides.  At a minimum, your presentation outline should provide points to address the following:     Identify the topic of … Read more


For this task, you will create a discussion post. Consider the following questions, and then draft your response:     What is evidence-based practice (EBP)?    How is EBP used to promote change?    Is the practice of Educational Psychology evidence-based regarding your chosen capstone topic? Explain your answer and provide examples to illustrate your … Read more


For this assignment, you will be analyzing data and drawing meaningful conclusions. This assignment parallels the results section of a journal article. Using the provided data set, you will generate descriptive statistics, data visuals, and a summary of your analysis. The data for this assignment is simulated data from a hypothetical web-based survey design. Subjects … Read more

Applied Program Evaluation

Applied Program EvaluationAssignment: Develop a program evaluation plan for your proposed program and defend your choices in its design.For this assignment, you will determine what evaluation data you will need to report back to your stakeholders and identify collection points for that data.DETERMINING DATA NEEDSAssignment InstructionsThe program you are proposing is centered on particular goals … Read more


Instructions1.    Using the dataset provided, conduct statistical analysis to test the following null hypothesis and post your results to the discussion thread:o    There is no statistically significant difference in the math scores when the scores are grouped and compared by gender.2.    Your results will indicate that you either will reject the null hypothesis when there … Read more