
A common source for research ideas is simply observing your environment and questioning why things work the way they do or how situations came to be. In this way, we can all be researchers. As humans, we spend considerable effort trying to understand our environment, what causes people to behave or think a certain way. … Read more

Psychological Constructs

After conducting scientific observations about a construct of interest, it is important to have a foundational understanding of existing research of the construct.For this assignment, you are going to identify a psychological construct you would like to know more about, such as life satisfaction, stress, happiness, optimism, etc. Then, identify a research question- what do … Read more

Quantitative research

Data preparation is a step in the research process most of us who do not often do research forget must be done. Outliers, incomplete interviews and other considerations apply even in qualitative research. What are the pragmatic aspects of data preparation; in other words, why must it be done? When collecting data at the qualitative … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Address the ethics of qualitative research, particularly the call to do no harm. Be sure to be specific and illustrate your points with concrete examples. Based on your learning this week in the readings and the content, address the following questions:     What do you see as the primary ethical concerns associated with qualitative methodologies?    … Read more

5 affective factors that influence the acquisition of second languages

List and describe at least 5 affective factors that influence the acquisition of second languages, identify at least 2 pedagogical processes for each of the affective factors listed then describe how students home culture and language influence each of the affective factors listed. An example AnxietyPedagogical processes- partner opportunities, segmented tasks (chunking work),Students home life … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I’ve attached the instructions and a sample of the style you should follow.  Here is my central question which should be at the top of the scale… Central Research Question    How can the problem of mainstreaming ESE students in general education classes cease impeding on the growth of the general education students, while still servicing … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The paper instructions will be included with the attracted files. It is called “Final Exam and Grading Criteria”. The essay asks for for what discipline and grade level I want to teach, it should be English & 12 grade. You may reference any or all of the attached files in the paper

summary paper

Summary Paper is where you will find the full instructions Please have a title pageYou will have a references page with at least your text cited; you may cite other sources if you wish (but not required)This is not a traditional paper in the sense of having an introduction/conclusion paragraph. Make sure that you have … Read more


Complete the following steps: First, pick a culture different from yours. Next, select a person from your friends, relatives, classmates, or workplace that belongs to the culture. Conduct an interview (in-person or phone/video call) or research this cultural group to collect information. Be sure to share the purpose of this assignment with the interviewee to … Read more

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